The Illustrious Jade Egg – Why Women Rave About It & Everything You Need To Get Started eBook

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66 replies
  1. Sheila
    Sheila says:

    Hello Saida,

    I threw out my vibrator 2 months ago after 39 years of dependence and have been exploring my body with my hands in front of a mirror, loving it. I am utilising the practices you suggested in Emergence of a Sensual Women to not simply burn out from cultivating too much yoni energy. My ultimate desire is to have cervical orgasms, or any really, with a man…
    I would love direction in this regard….very open to working with you if you take clients.
    Warm regards

  2. KT
    KT says:

    Hi there,
    I’ve been exploring the tao practices for some time and have worked with the egg on and off for years. Doing my due diligence I have found a lot of folks online mentioning issues with “storing” chi. This has created energy blockages, illness roots, and it makes sense to me that this would. Energy needs to move.

    What is the benefit of packing chi? When I try to do this, as per your book and mental chia’s, my body revolts, and I prefer to move energy through and around and let it to come and go as it pleases.

    The egg practiced themselves are awesome and my body loves it.


    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Hi KT, don’t worry about it. If it doesn’t resonate, don’t do it. Everything I share is from a place of ‘invitation’. Storing the chi is Taoist code for settling your mind 😉 Settle it however works for you. What you are ‘moving around’ isn’t energy so much as it is your attention/mind. All Taoist and Buddhist traditions knew the power of the mind. To them, mind is body. It’s hard to translate this into a ‘literal Western viewpoint’. Happy the Jade Egg practices are great. Are you in JEM?

  3. Gwen
    Gwen says:

    Hi Saida,
    I have Crohn’s disease, and had it prior to my entire sex life. I have a lot pain during flare ups and tense up the lower part of my body. Necessary, but gross information, I have to be conscious of tensing my bowels since crohns comes on suddenly and requires very quick access to a toilet at times. It’s difficult to let go entirely during sex for this reason/fear.
    I have only ever had clitorial orgasms, but would like more!

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Hi Gwen, I love and appreciate your honesty! It is true that it can be horribly painful when our gut is inflamed or in spasm. Do you self-pleasure? Opening up your pelvic nerve would be amazing for you.

  4. Iris
    Iris says:

    “Sleeping Beauty” is a great way to describe the female sexual organs; I find so many girls and women do not know that she is more than “just a hole” – she really is just sleeping.

    In one of your videos, you mention that the vagina is *not* designed to be *pushed* into – she pulls in.
    This is so important for boys, girls, women, and men to know, since boys – and men – are so often raping, forcing, or even trying to “perform like porn stars” from the scenes they watch, and girls expect boys or men to know what they’re doing, and end up disillusioned or traumatised – no one seems to know the Yoni, intimately (except you!).
    …down the line, women can become consensually addicted to the “shock” of force, and being so wanted/desired, but this is numbing; “more, harder, faster”, are words used when a woman has lost touch with her sensitivity, and friction and force are all that’s left.

    What can you say, about rape that occurs to an Awakened Beauty?
    A fully conscious wombspace that is so sensitised and alive…?
    Is there anywhere you go deeper into sexual trauma, for someone who has had no other experiences?
    – nothing, anywhere, has sufficiently acknowledged the autonomous aliveness of this space, and the trauma done to it by unconscious (or worse) acts from men.

    …and just an FYI, that I find the word “ejaculate/ion” to be so very masculine… that word pollutes my experience of feminine flowing; I like, best, when you say it as “Sacred Waters”. 🙂

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Iris, thank you for taking the time to comment! Love it!! To answer your question: What can you say, about rape that occurs to an Awakened Beauty? A fully conscious wombspace that is so sensitised and alive…? Is there anywhere you go deeper into sexual trauma, for someone who has had no other experiences? Yes, this past spring I did a free webinar on RECLAMATION that addressed this. A lot of this work, the solo practice, is about reclaiming our space, both physically and psychically. You can view the webinar here: Free Training on Reclamation I also created a short mini film about the journey into Sexual Sovereignty: A Journey To Sovereignty

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Hi Corunda, great question. A Jade Egg is the traditionally used egg for Taoist Sexual Cultivation practices. The Yoni Egg is a name that came out of the recent explosion of ‘marketing’ eggs to women. This includes eggs of any kind of crystal, which are not necessary great for hygienic reasons. Have you read my FREE eBook on the Jade Egg yet?

  5. Xkali
    Xkali says:

    Hello, do you have any contacts in Europe? I really feel I need a physical person to do this right, either one on one or in a group, could you point me in the right direction?

  6. Mel
    Mel says:

    Hello Saida! I am exactly one week post op from having a bladder, bowel and uterine prolapse repair. I am hoping to strengthen my pelvic floor using your jade egg (which I already have!), once I am able to resume normal exercises and movements. Can I please ask you…is your Dr Wickham video course and the Jade Egg mastery program, suitable for someone in my situation (i.e. is the jade egg safe to use after prolapse repair?), and also will it help me to understand and release previous sexual trauma. I have been sexually abused by a relative when i was a little girl, I also felt traumatised after witnessing my mother and step father having sex when I was little as well, and I currently have an insensitive partner who has sexually insulted me in the past. So I feel that my prolapses were a combination of both physical factors (childbirth, etc) and emotional factors, and I am desperate to address both sides of the issues to prevent a relapse and for once in my life, feel comfortable with my sexuality. I hope to hear back from you. Thank you xx

  7. Emanuelle
    Emanuelle says:

    Hi Saida. I’m 22 years old and have been suffering from bladder issues for almost two years. Urinary frequency is the main issue. I’m afraid this is due to stress since I’m working really hard to finish my undergrad. I bought the jade egg because my doctor told me physical therapy could help relieve my symptoms (since I don’t want to take a medication that could cause hair loss.) I’ve been desperate for relief and my sex life has been put on hold because of this as well. I can’t climax without feeling like I have to go to the bathroom immediately afterwards. Do you have any advice for me?

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Hi gorgeous Emanuelle, thank you for your questions and your vulnerable share. In your case, it seems very much TENSION based, so making time to RELAX your pelvis, to feel your vagina & pelvic floor melting open, softening, feeling receptive and open. As for needing to go to the bathroom, you may actually be very healthy! Many women feel this way because they are actually producing female ejaculation/amrita and not releasing during sex, and then feeling like their bladders are crazy full. I talk a lot about this in the last chapter of my book: Emergence of the Sensual Woman. It seems like there’s a strong invitation for you to bring more ways of relaxing into your life, perhaps more sensuality? I’m here. Let’s keep the conversation going!

      • Saida Desilets
        Saida Desilets says:

        Hi Susana, What stage is your prolapse at? The good news is that my Desilets Method (my own brand of Jade Egg practices based on my PhD research and the feedback of MDs, Osteopaths, and Pelvic Pain specialists) is FANTASTIC for your pelvic health… and those practices are SAFE to do (even if you do NOT use the Jade Egg).

  8. MK
    MK says:

    I enjoyed reading your e-book. I’ve been contemplating getting your book and an egg and trying the practice. I’m post menopausal and have been having issues with adrenal fatigue, my hormones being out of balance, drying out of my vagina and finding sex painful. Incontinence is becoming more of an issue recently, too. Is it possible to do the practice with just your book and an egg without purchasing the whole bundle that you offer?

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Hi MK, You can definitely just buy the Jade Egg and then get the Kindle version on Amazon. However, it’s been my experience that women tend to need more support and have much more success with the video training. So it’s up to you. We have having a holiday special that would include, with the Jade Egg Essentials, my Shameless Surrender Day Long, which you could exchange for the Menopause Day Long if you like. Then you’d have a very thorough program to support you to have a successful experience.

  9. Loto
    Loto says:

    I’m so happy that I have finally found a precise explanation on how to use the jade egg !!! It seemed so difficult to have all the information together …. Thank u so much

  10. Nina
    Nina says:

    Hi Saida,
    Thank you so much for your work.
    I attended a workshop two years ago with one of your students here in the Northern Rivers NSW and it changed my world. Before I was living with ongoing ovarian pain, sex was painful and I was so so not juicy!! And there was no one to talk to and it seemed like nothing could be done to help. But there is help and delight and joy. Straight away I found the subtle breathing practices profound and my body began to change almost instantly. Just being aware of my inner world and listening to myself, my womb, my yoni and giving breath were enough to begin a transformation. My relationship and sex life improved dramatically right from the start. This work set me on a path to deep inner healing and I thank you so much for this! After a year I had shifted a huge layer of ‘issues’ thanks to this practice alone. However then my ovarian pain returned and my body told me I needed further help… I discovered I had a tipped uterus from an old sacrum injury and the universe sent me to woman doing Mayan Abdominal Healing. It also showed me where i was still compromising my pleasure and myself. This led me to another 12 months of working deeper and deeper into myself, doing work on my traumas, ancestors, inner child and internal conditioning. Listening to my body led me to leave a stressful job and take a whole new path in life. I have continued to use your practices throughout my healing journey, though at times I found I needed to stop work with the egg to allow energy to release. Often I just hold my egg and it helps me. Now my ovarian pain is completely gone, the darkness I carried inside has been transformed into radiance and I am beginning to see the manifestation of this internal work in my external world. While I can’t say the jade egg practice will fix everything in itself, I know that I would never have found myself without this work. I urge all women to give it try and see what magic is possible!!

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Wow Nina! Gorgeous share. Congrats on truly listening to your yoni and your body and following her wisdom… that is the CORE of this work!

  11. Laurie
    Laurie says:

    I am waiting for my egg to arrive. It is the hand of God who lead me here. I have much to heal in this area of my life and I am hoping it is not too late. I want so very much to experience this part of myself. I want to awaken what has been asleep, shut down. I know this is my miracle (even though you caution it is not). Miracles exist for those who are willing to believe in them and receive them. I am willing to do both. Thank you for doing your work.

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Hi Laurie, first of all, I ADORE your enthusiasm! Secondly, I do believe in miracles… I’ve experienced many myself. 🙂
      And… awakening yourself and transforming a lift-time of patterns does require that we contribute to the transformation. I look forward to supporting your journey.

  12. Dawn
    Dawn says:

    Hey beautiful, Each time I have a lull learning about my self awareness, you pop up into my life.and help me continue. It’s been at times very tough but overall a wonderful ongoing journey. For many years I was ashamed to feel sexy being taught by my mother and her generation that it was provocative and dirty to be sexy, and we were placed on this planet for the pleasure of men and we should not touch ourselves .My body was shut down I felt like a slut..i was depressed and felt empty. I have mentioned before that I am working with a pelvic physio for a vaginal prolapse which brought up the need counselling for sexual abuse. I am healing from this more and more .So much that I could hardly wait to have my husbands loving arms surround with pleasures on our recent 45th wedding anniversary
    I cannot thank you enough for showing me that feeling sexy ,sensual and being love… with myself and my body is normal and not some kind of kinky sex addiction
    .I no longer feel dirty or ashamed .It has taken a while and still work in progress . Thanks to you ….I FEEL LOVED AND ALIVE within I FEEL FREE
    . Warmest hugs and blessings Saida. Can’t wait to learn more

  13. Anne
    Anne says:

    Dear Saida,
    I got your book as a birthday present a few years ago… Asked the same friend of mine to buy a Jade egg at one of your workshop in Bruxelles…Left the Jade egg in its nice silk pocket for a long time…and one day dared using it… I can tell you I am extremely grateful to you since it has really helped me feel some inner parts of my Yoni ✨

  14. Pythoud Chantal
    Pythoud Chantal says:

    Bonjour Saida

    Merci de bien vouloir me faire parvenir votre nouveau E-book.
    Comme je ne suis plus sous Facebook comment pourrais je vous suivr
    Belles salutations
    Chantal Pythoud

  15. Jodie Munn
    Jodie Munn says:

    Thanks Saida for the ebook. I attended one of your Jade Egg workshops in Bryon Bay, Australia, a couple of years ago, so it will be great to easily go over the information again in your ebook. After attending your workshop I was amazed at how the Jade Egg practice took me so deeply into a lovely present, sensual state that others around me noticed. I have recently started practicing regularly again with the Jade Egg to your CD for both health and pleasure. I feel the difference it makes and I love that it also helps me stay connected to my deeper self. Whenever I have mentioned the Jade Egg to friends, they are intrigued. So it will be great to pass on the ebook to them.

  16. Joanne
    Joanne says:

    I love your new website Saida!!! I am exciting to read you new ebook and was playing with my egg this morning. It really brings me present to my body. I really need to set myself up to have exercises ready to do once egg is in until it stays longer.

  17. Aanya
    Aanya says:

    Is this new & different from the book you sell in your package? I’d also be interested in more learning beyond the Red Tent.
    Thank you

  18. Arwen
    Arwen says:

    Hi Saida. Are you going to be holding any workshops or retreats? I’m interested in expanding my knowledge beyond the pleasure tribe. Ideas?

  19. Annemarie
    Annemarie says:

    Wauw, CONGRATULATIONS Saida with your new book!!!! Been flipping through it and it looks great. Very to the point on the theme’s I had questions about when I started to practice. Easy to read and awesome pictures.
    Take over the world! Yessss! X


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