Beautiful. Thank you Saida. After all the work over all the years that I’ve done with myself and held space for on behalf of clients, something in the simple authenticity of this documentary touched me so deeply I cried. There is always deeper, more to learn, more to honour and release. I am 8 months pregnant and find that with this second birth comes some feelings I thought I had cleared after the birth of my daughter six years ago. I am going with the journey to clear and open to the next level and to receive the wisdom from my divine feminine, heroine heart, surrounding myself with sisters and turning in towards my lover when I feel most like turning away. With huge love and I’m glad I found you.
Alexia x
Loving, truthful, inspiring. Thank you for sharing your message and witnessing the sacred knowledge and practice of sexual awakening. It is still hidden for many, but many more women today choose to remember and re-experience it. Beautiful and empowering!
Beautiful women! I feel so connected to you even though I haven’t writen in the last few months! This video represents in such a poetic way what it is to come back home, to our real nature, to a community in which we can be ourselves and express fully our feelings and emotions and of course to reconnect with our bodies. It reminds us that we are not alone and that we have each other.
I’m in that process of coming back, it takes time and needs courage, but I’m on the way. I’m thinking about you and sending you love every day from my new life in Spain.
oh! more thing…THANK YOU!! the truth of these stories and the comments of our sisters bring me light! Thanks to you Saida, to the three women and all the persons that have contributed to this gift!
Saida, what a beautiful testimony to all that you stand for and embody. Sexual sovereignty is our birthright, yet so many of us have to dig deep to unearth and reclaim that birthright. It’s inspiring to see these 3 women’s stories of transformation. Thank you so much for all you do on behalf of womankind.
much love
Sharon Moloney
Dear Saida,just reaching out to say thank you for this beautiful documentary and all you do. I see you and you are greatly appreciated !!! Much Love,
Gracias Saida.
Soy hombre, pero reconozco y me alegra tu valentía y la de esas mujeres que aparecen en el video, así como vuestro deseo de prestar un servicio magnífico para que otras mujeres sean capaces de reconocer su propio valor y su belleza, y sentirse completas y felices.
A ti y a ellas os animo a seguir ese camino de empoderamiento por el que, sin duda alguna, muchas más mujeres podrán seguir vuestros consejos y vuestros pasos.
Feeling a little out of place in these comments, a bit uncomfortable like I might be intruding, as I think I’m the only man so far…
Anyhow, just to say that I loved the 10 minute documentary. My heart opens to all of you in the video and I stand with you as you find your way to truth and freedom. Beautiful.
hi saida, thankyou so much for this. i felt myself moved and also noticed a little closure when i feel a sales pitch is coming on, which is my stuff , i am not saying that this is a motive for making the video though i do wonder. This i my judgement and i own it and would value, if you were willing, hearing if any of this shadow is present here?
i also place this in the context of spending the near $500 on the jade egg course and i have 2 jade eggs and yet i havent even completed the first week, i notice that i still have fear about what it would mean to claim my self as a fully sexually sovereign woman. The stories of the women helped me soften towards me, as i could take a little from each woman and make much of my own story. i am from the uk so yet more proof that this is a universal issue. this weekend i spent with a man i discovered that i really love and we almost split up. One of the reasons that fuelled this was that i could see where i was in expectation of him meeting my sensual and sexual needs as a bypass to meeting those myself. And while he had become closed to himself through some of his trauma he could not meet me in this and i wanted to reject him. i realise there is work i wish and long to do for myself so i can be a sexually sovereign woman even if he sometimes cant meet me in it, and maybe love will lead the way instead of wants. so i appreciated the video, i felt some movement towards beginning the course again and taking a chance. It may and is unlikely to solve all my “problems” but without this journey i feel incomplete and detached from myself in some ways, The door keeps knocking, and this is but another loving tap on the window to join. my longing is for a local group to journey with, but while i live in a very alternative area of the country, sexuality is still very much a quiet topic for those seeking empowerment and enlightenment( in my opinion/perception)/
today i began a new 20 min self-massage practice in front of the mirror. i commit to this for 21 days so i can see and feel myself. much love and gratitude, jen x
Jen!!! I LOVE YOUR HONESTY!!!!!! Thank you so much for your courageous share, I appreciate your truth. I could have done this documentary as a sales pitch for sure (it was discussed initially to be for this purpose, but that did not feel right to me). If that comes across, I apologize because my intention was to show that this journey to sovereignty is for all of us and to show it not only through my passionate words, but especially through the honest journeys of the amazing women featured in it.
It’s not easy to SAY what I do exactly, so I wanted to show it through story.
Are you in Jade Egg Mastery? WOW! Let me and the community support you. It’s NOT easy to choose to really love and accept oneself, never mind fully claiming our sexuality. That’s why I love doing it together. (In fact, at the start of May, my entire JEM tribe plus NEW women will be doing the full course together! So please join us so we can support you).
I have AMAZING JEM women in the UK, so when you are in the community, please announce yourself and ask who is there (I’m excited for you to meet them!).
I love your dedication. When we do this FIRST for ourselves, then our world doesn’t become perfect, but we are more in-love-with our very human journey.
thankyou so much saida, i feel fully heard and supported, so can breathe out again and loosen the judgments upon myself. I would love to join the Jem tribe at the start of may and travel with others, traveling alone can be a lonely journey. What do i need to do to be able to do this? and is there an additional cost to this? i am relieved to hear of women in the uk, hurray and feel a shift towards opening again to the work.. thankyou so much for taking the time to reply. you felt a little too distant but now i feel you closer, real and seeing me i feel more open and connected to you. much love and gratitude, Jen x
Ah Jen, the JOYS of online stuff!!! I have a FREE training this weekend: & I will be talking about JEM at the end of that call and how you may join it. There is someone who will WIN access too, maybe it will be you! Here’s to continuing to support you.
Thank you for this video Saida, it is very beautiful!! All the woman ( you too) are vibrating and looking great and strong and sensual And strong is that everybody is so different, yet connected. It is very encouraging and bringing light and hope. Love <3
I am 67 years old with many wounds accumulated bit by bit over time so very fertile ground for new growth. Leonard Cohen’s “there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” is very applicable. I know that what you are addressing is pivotal to how I want to experience my self and my life and that I am ripe for those changes. I trust you and your message. I want what you have. How I translate that into further connection with you and your offerings are unknown. The first step was to actually leave a reply when I am so wary of dealing with social media and exposing myself.
This is very powerful … I felt my heart beat hard against my chest. Thank you for doing this work, for sharing this message, for reminding us that we belong to ourselves…
This is so incredibly special. As I sat and watched in a loud, crowded cafe, my eyes have welled with tears. I want to share this with everyone here. The women and this video are beautifully courageous. Saida, you have been such a blessing in my life. My heart sparked when it cut to footage from our Daring weekend. Thank you for your constant giving. Your sovereignty and love are inspiring, and I truly believe your message for the world is powerful enough to move masses. We who have already discovered you, will help you make it so.
Gorgeous and such truth telling Saida! What a beautiful and essential stand you take for women and sovereignty over our bodies. So timely. You and these women articulate the issues and the solutions in such an accessible way. Be proud this is a stunningand hugely relevant piece of work
Dear Saida,
thank you, it’s a great video. I am so thankful for your concept of sovereignty. I am thinking a lot about female/feminine embodiment and power while writing a university project. I am trying to put the concepts in a theoretical context and the treasures are abundant. I want to connect your concept of bodysovereignty with the idea that dignity is connected to embodiment, also for me an eye opener. There is a political philosopher called hannah arendt, she said that violence and power are mutually exclusive, that violence belongs to the lower realm of production and power comes from the higher realm of acting collectively…
Lots of love, Alia
ps. I wondered if nephrit jade and real jade. what you think about this?
Dear Saida. Thank you so much for clarifying that. I’ll be out to purchase :). I am extremely excited about my findings and so passionate about this topic. I will leave you a link to my poster, once it is finnished. I would love to read your doctorate thesis, if it is possible…
Oh and ps:
the rebellion part I love too! To defy beautystandards, to refuse to believe that imperfections are ugly (this is something I always knew is not true), to be fearless in embodying beauty in our own language. It really is a rebellion. — “If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution”.
Do you know the rubberhand-illusion? That is something to consider for people experiencing difficulty to reverse dissociation/disembodiment symptoms.
so here is a video
the situation would be that you can’t feel your body as part of yourself, so you see it, but you can’t feel it as yours, so this would be similar as making a rubberhand your own, no? so what you do is you see, you touch and you focus on what you feel and it should eventually start to feel as yours again. thats the “therapy”. but i guess it should apply mostly for people where there is a strong visual aspect in the disconnection. but for me it shifted the perspective from why did the disconnection happen to how did it happen.I mean, that there is this material/brain-wiring foundation and that by understanding the concrete nature of the disconnection, you can make detectivework. my theory is that mirrors can be very potent aids in enacting disconnection. what do you think about that?
Saida Desilets says:
Ah yes. We reconnect with ourselves through the psycho-sexual piece and the practices. It happens slowly AND it’s amazing. Do you mean mirrors as in ‘mirrors’ or as in ‘people who are mirroring us’?
Ann Marie says:
Dear Saida,
I feel a deep resonance, truth and increasing confidence that this indeed is the way forward… I really liked the diversity of the women including yourself in the video. As a black woman of Caribbean parents, born and raised in the UK and journeying in the personal development world for almost 30 years now, I am often the only black person in this arena so I was very heartened to see a black Sista in the video, sharing her story. I also felt some discomfort and fear specifically around the sexual aspect. Apart from my own personal fears in this area which I am learning to lean in towards, slowly, I like the video because it begins to really clarify a womans sensuality and sexuality primarily as a relationship we have with our self. The need for women to be connected to their Sisters, to support each other and reclaim what it truly is to be woman, fully embodied, is indeed huge! However, as my close friend and Sista puts it: If our only purpose in reclaiming our sexual sovereignty is to catch a man or to become women who men like more, then of course it truly defeats its purpose. It is also one of my personal reasons for walking so cautiously towards this next stage of development even though, until recently, I’d been celibate for 11 years. Since taking a lover, it became clear that I was still in the dark around my sexuality and sensuality… something still very much unknown… I strongly sense that reclaiming our sexual sovereignty is indeed what is needed. Your Daring Project on fb is also a testament to this and that reclaiming our sovereignty affects every aspect of our life and living as women in the world. I like to imagine that in the future, this would be like an initiation process that every female is guided to experience instead of the dry sex-education given in schools in the West. Anyway, I had a very positive experience of your private fb group, The Daring Project and it certainly moved me on… And… to be honest, I did feel a bit jealous when your husband, Sol, showed up towards the end of the vid! I want one of them! Lol! You are beautiful Saida! So am I! So are we all! We know this in our hearts and yet I have to say it on behalf of all the women who inhabit physical bodies that the media or families of origin would have us believe are ugly and unattractive; who may shy away from joining groups of other women in the fear of feeling inferior in some way or being triggered and not feeling they can bring their upset to the table in fear of being judged. Yes, we need to talk about these sorts of things together, uncomfortable topics like these…
Thank you for making and sharing the video! Lots of food for the body, heart and thinking… x
Ann Marie!!!! Wow!!!!! Such a powerful share. We are in this together. Either we are all Sovereign, or none of us are. Thank you for sharing your edges. They are beautiful.
Thank you for such an inspiring video. I have been following your work for sometime however the integrity of this video really shines through and elevates your work to a new platform. I think it’s the diversity angle, that we all have stories to share, but through our individual stories we are all one, one celebration of the divine feminine. I hope to work with you in the future
Thank you Dear Saida for your realness and for your standing for ALL WOMEN! For the Natural beauty that you are and that you guide and support each woman in reclaiming. You are so accessible. I honor your reminding each woman how to re-ignite her divine spark, with a smile, a touch, and recognition of what and who we truly are! A beautiful film. Congratulations! Smile on! With love, Rosalind
Saida, as usual you are SO AMAZING ! Powerful because it is REAL…what you create and your message is more than needed at this moment – may you reach many many many more women…I am so glad I get to receive this information !
Lots of love Darling
Like I read above its my intention, but it gets lost from day to day. I think we lose or focus or sovereignty when we get distracted with ‘life’. This video takes me back to international Women’s day and the impact it had on me this year. We need to stand together and be a team. Show me your team and I will show you you. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you, for the video. The stories and truths were beautiful, inspiring, and very sad, all at once. The tragedy. And the hope. Of reclaimation, and resurrection. We are not alone. And we can be free.
The wound as the way…. love it.
Gracias/Thank you to Marta, Lynda, and Lael for being willing to share their journeys and images of how they are re-owning their sexuality. Brings me back to my own intentions that tend to get lost in the day to day…
Dear Saida: as always your words carry such inspired truth and sacred lifebreath for all of us…
Thank you for your deepening understanding and journey into womanhood & self-sovereignty, showing us it is possible to reclaim ourselves, our lives, our bodies and sexuality.
What an incredible honor it has been to witness your absolute integrity in the fully integrated sum of all your parts.
I find HOPE in watching your body’s confident and flexible movements as sovereign and interconnected with Sol.
Your vital life force is Divine! I am forever grateful to you. I look forward to each and every opportunity to learn through your consistently courageous and gentle encouragement.
Today, I move as fast as my slowest part toward tender loving care of my sovereignty.
I feel this is awesomemazing to get involved in woman sensuality and help them overcome there obstacles of fears, believes, and past experiences. I am thankful for you and others, doing this very important work for freeing woman spirit and for there full blossoming .
I love the redefinition of trauma as a pathway to reclamation of sexual sovereignty. Such awesome inspiring women! Thanks Saida, as always your gift is to shine the light on female sexuality and freedom in a way that is truly beautiful.
Thankyou so much for this documentary Saida so perfect for me this morning, I love the statement “only move as fast as the slowest part of you” just recently starting to recognise the gifts in slowing down and connecting more deeply with my body, and learning to trusting myself, the feminine and the sexual energy I have repressed.
It really is quite a wild terrain.
Much love
Saida, This is such a powerful contribution and prayer answered by the heartwombs of so many. Thank you for your dedication to truth, unveiling LOVE, compassion, honor and integrity for all Beings. Your Lioness walk liberates us all. The awakening of this empowered choice by US and by many still to come is what is transforming our earth beyond what we can even see, but we can feel. Gaia knows and as we are Gaia, we Remember. Thank you! In deep honor and reverence, Sarah
Beautiful. Thank you Saida. After all the work over all the years that I’ve done with myself and held space for on behalf of clients, something in the simple authenticity of this documentary touched me so deeply I cried. There is always deeper, more to learn, more to honour and release. I am 8 months pregnant and find that with this second birth comes some feelings I thought I had cleared after the birth of my daughter six years ago. I am going with the journey to clear and open to the next level and to receive the wisdom from my divine feminine, heroine heart, surrounding myself with sisters and turning in towards my lover when I feel most like turning away. With huge love and I’m glad I found you.
Alexia x
My pleasure! I love to hear about your journey!!
I love you Saida Desilets ~ and all you beautiful women also doing your work! Cheers to a healed planet <3
Oh yes! Paige, thank you!!!
As beautiful documentary as you are and the true nature of all women <3
Thank you so much Susanne!!
Loving, truthful, inspiring. Thank you for sharing your message and witnessing the sacred knowledge and practice of sexual awakening. It is still hidden for many, but many more women today choose to remember and re-experience it. Beautiful and empowering!
Ah yes, Lucy! I wanted to be subtle about this, so not to scare away those for whom this topic is more taboo.
Beautiful women! I feel so connected to you even though I haven’t writen in the last few months! This video represents in such a poetic way what it is to come back home, to our real nature, to a community in which we can be ourselves and express fully our feelings and emotions and of course to reconnect with our bodies. It reminds us that we are not alone and that we have each other.
I’m in that process of coming back, it takes time and needs courage, but I’m on the way. I’m thinking about you and sending you love every day from my new life in Spain.
oh! more thing…THANK YOU!! the truth of these stories and the comments of our sisters bring me light! Thanks to you Saida, to the three women and all the persons that have contributed to this gift!
Monica!!!! We’ve missed you!!!! Thank you for reconnecting and for taking the courage to truly honor yourself.
Saida, what a beautiful testimony to all that you stand for and embody. Sexual sovereignty is our birthright, yet so many of us have to dig deep to unearth and reclaim that birthright. It’s inspiring to see these 3 women’s stories of transformation. Thank you so much for all you do on behalf of womankind.
much love
Sharon Moloney
My pleasure Sharon, thank you for receiving so deeply!
Dear Saida,just reaching out to say thank you for this beautiful documentary and all you do. I see you and you are greatly appreciated !!! Much Love,
Awww, thank you so much Johanna!
Gracias Saida.
Soy hombre, pero reconozco y me alegra tu valentía y la de esas mujeres que aparecen en el video, así como vuestro deseo de prestar un servicio magnífico para que otras mujeres sean capaces de reconocer su propio valor y su belleza, y sentirse completas y felices.
A ti y a ellas os animo a seguir ese camino de empoderamiento por el que, sin duda alguna, muchas más mujeres podrán seguir vuestros consejos y vuestros pasos.
Gracias Rafael!! We are honored to have you here, as a brother on the journey.
Feeling a little out of place in these comments, a bit uncomfortable like I might be intruding, as I think I’m the only man so far…
Anyhow, just to say that I loved the 10 minute documentary. My heart opens to all of you in the video and I stand with you as you find your way to truth and freedom. Beautiful.
Hi Mark! You are not the only man and you are not intruding, we love to have you here! Thank you for standing with us.
hi saida, thankyou so much for this. i felt myself moved and also noticed a little closure when i feel a sales pitch is coming on, which is my stuff , i am not saying that this is a motive for making the video though i do wonder. This i my judgement and i own it and would value, if you were willing, hearing if any of this shadow is present here?
i also place this in the context of spending the near $500 on the jade egg course and i have 2 jade eggs and yet i havent even completed the first week, i notice that i still have fear about what it would mean to claim my self as a fully sexually sovereign woman. The stories of the women helped me soften towards me, as i could take a little from each woman and make much of my own story. i am from the uk so yet more proof that this is a universal issue. this weekend i spent with a man i discovered that i really love and we almost split up. One of the reasons that fuelled this was that i could see where i was in expectation of him meeting my sensual and sexual needs as a bypass to meeting those myself. And while he had become closed to himself through some of his trauma he could not meet me in this and i wanted to reject him. i realise there is work i wish and long to do for myself so i can be a sexually sovereign woman even if he sometimes cant meet me in it, and maybe love will lead the way instead of wants. so i appreciated the video, i felt some movement towards beginning the course again and taking a chance. It may and is unlikely to solve all my “problems” but without this journey i feel incomplete and detached from myself in some ways, The door keeps knocking, and this is but another loving tap on the window to join. my longing is for a local group to journey with, but while i live in a very alternative area of the country, sexuality is still very much a quiet topic for those seeking empowerment and enlightenment( in my opinion/perception)/
today i began a new 20 min self-massage practice in front of the mirror. i commit to this for 21 days so i can see and feel myself. much love and gratitude, jen x
Jen!!! I LOVE YOUR HONESTY!!!!!! Thank you so much for your courageous share, I appreciate your truth. I could have done this documentary as a sales pitch for sure (it was discussed initially to be for this purpose, but that did not feel right to me). If that comes across, I apologize because my intention was to show that this journey to sovereignty is for all of us and to show it not only through my passionate words, but especially through the honest journeys of the amazing women featured in it.
It’s not easy to SAY what I do exactly, so I wanted to show it through story.
Are you in Jade Egg Mastery? WOW! Let me and the community support you. It’s NOT easy to choose to really love and accept oneself, never mind fully claiming our sexuality. That’s why I love doing it together. (In fact, at the start of May, my entire JEM tribe plus NEW women will be doing the full course together! So please join us so we can support you).
I have AMAZING JEM women in the UK, so when you are in the community, please announce yourself and ask who is there (I’m excited for you to meet them!).
I love your dedication. When we do this FIRST for ourselves, then our world doesn’t become perfect, but we are more in-love-with our very human journey.
thankyou so much saida, i feel fully heard and supported, so can breathe out again and loosen the judgments upon myself. I would love to join the Jem tribe at the start of may and travel with others, traveling alone can be a lonely journey. What do i need to do to be able to do this? and is there an additional cost to this? i am relieved to hear of women in the uk, hurray and feel a shift towards opening again to the work.. thankyou so much for taking the time to reply. you felt a little too distant but now i feel you closer, real and seeing me i feel more open and connected to you. much love and gratitude, Jen x
Ah Jen, the JOYS of online stuff!!! I have a FREE training this weekend: & I will be talking about JEM at the end of that call and how you may join it. There is someone who will WIN access too, maybe it will be you! Here’s to continuing to support you.
Thank you for this video Saida, it is very beautiful!! All the woman ( you too) are vibrating and looking great and strong and sensual
And strong is that everybody is so different, yet connected. It is very encouraging and bringing light and hope. Love <3
Marie-Louise! YESSSSSS!!!!
Saida Thanks fot making and sharing this video. Also thank to the woman who were in the video. Happily i met you some years ago. It still resonates.
Marjo! So great to hear from you!!!
I am 67 years old with many wounds accumulated bit by bit over time so very fertile ground for new growth. Leonard Cohen’s “there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” is very applicable. I know that what you are addressing is pivotal to how I want to experience my self and my life and that I am ripe for those changes. I trust you and your message. I want what you have. How I translate that into further connection with you and your offerings are unknown. The first step was to actually leave a reply when I am so wary of dealing with social media and exposing myself.
Sally, such an honor to meet you!! Thank you for taking the time to share your heart.
This is very powerful … I felt my heart beat hard against my chest. Thank you for doing this work, for sharing this message, for reminding us that we belong to ourselves…
Oh Rebecca!!! I can feel your heart!
This is so incredibly special. As I sat and watched in a loud, crowded cafe, my eyes have welled with tears. I want to share this with everyone here. The women and this video are beautifully courageous. Saida, you have been such a blessing in my life. My heart sparked when it cut to footage from our Daring weekend. Thank you for your constant giving. Your sovereignty and love are inspiring, and I truly believe your message for the world is powerful enough to move masses. We who have already discovered you, will help you make it so.
I’m right there with you Rebecca!!!
Gorgeous and such truth telling Saida! What a beautiful and essential stand you take for women and sovereignty over our bodies. So timely. You and these women articulate the issues and the solutions in such an accessible way. Be proud this is a stunningand hugely relevant piece of work
Wow, Jill! Breathing in your enthusiasm.
Dear Saida,
thank you, it’s a great video. I am so thankful for your concept of sovereignty. I am thinking a lot about female/feminine embodiment and power while writing a university project. I am trying to put the concepts in a theoretical context and the treasures are abundant. I want to connect your concept of bodysovereignty with the idea that dignity is connected to embodiment, also for me an eye opener. There is a political philosopher called hannah arendt, she said that violence and power are mutually exclusive, that violence belongs to the lower realm of production and power comes from the higher realm of acting collectively…
Lots of love, Alia
ps. I wondered if nephrit jade and real jade. what you think about this?
Alia!!! Great share!!!! Nephrite Jade is considered authentic Jade.
Dear Saida. Thank you so much for clarifying that. I’ll be out to purchase :). I am extremely excited about my findings and so passionate about this topic. I will leave you a link to my poster, once it is finnished. I would love to read your doctorate thesis, if it is possible…
Alia! Yes!! Please write to: and request the dissertation.
Oh and ps:

the rebellion part I love too! To defy beautystandards, to refuse to believe that imperfections are ugly (this is something I always knew is not true), to be fearless in embodying beauty in our own language. It really is a rebellion. — “If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution”.
Do you know the rubberhand-illusion? That is something to consider for people experiencing difficulty to reverse dissociation/disembodiment symptoms.
Tell me more about the rubberband.
so here is a video
the situation would be that you can’t feel your body as part of yourself, so you see it, but you can’t feel it as yours, so this would be similar as making a rubberhand your own, no? so what you do is you see, you touch and you focus on what you feel and it should eventually start to feel as yours again. thats the “therapy”. but i guess it should apply mostly for people where there is a strong visual aspect in the disconnection. but for me it shifted the perspective from why did the disconnection happen to how did it happen.I mean, that there is this material/brain-wiring foundation and that by understanding the concrete nature of the disconnection, you can make detectivework. my theory is that mirrors can be very potent aids in enacting disconnection. what do you think about that?
Ah yes. We reconnect with ourselves through the psycho-sexual piece and the practices. It happens slowly AND it’s amazing. Do you mean mirrors as in ‘mirrors’ or as in ‘people who are mirroring us’?
Dear Saida,
I feel a deep resonance, truth and increasing confidence that this indeed is the way forward… I really liked the diversity of the women including yourself in the video. As a black woman of Caribbean parents, born and raised in the UK and journeying in the personal development world for almost 30 years now, I am often the only black person in this arena so I was very heartened to see a black Sista in the video, sharing her story. I also felt some discomfort and fear specifically around the sexual aspect. Apart from my own personal fears in this area which I am learning to lean in towards, slowly, I like the video because it begins to really clarify a womans sensuality and sexuality primarily as a relationship we have with our self. The need for women to be connected to their Sisters, to support each other and reclaim what it truly is to be woman, fully embodied, is indeed huge! However, as my close friend and Sista puts it: If our only purpose in reclaiming our sexual sovereignty is to catch a man or to become women who men like more, then of course it truly defeats its purpose. It is also one of my personal reasons for walking so cautiously towards this next stage of development even though, until recently, I’d been celibate for 11 years. Since taking a lover, it became clear that I was still in the dark around my sexuality and sensuality… something still very much unknown… I strongly sense that reclaiming our sexual sovereignty is indeed what is needed. Your Daring Project on fb is also a testament to this and that reclaiming our sovereignty affects every aspect of our life and living as women in the world. I like to imagine that in the future, this would be like an initiation process that every female is guided to experience instead of the dry sex-education given in schools in the West. Anyway, I had a very positive experience of your private fb group, The Daring Project and it certainly moved me on… And… to be honest, I did feel a bit jealous when your husband, Sol, showed up towards the end of the vid! I want one of them! Lol! You are beautiful Saida! So am I! So are we all! We know this in our hearts and yet I have to say it on behalf of all the women who inhabit physical bodies that the media or families of origin would have us believe are ugly and unattractive; who may shy away from joining groups of other women in the fear of feeling inferior in some way or being triggered and not feeling they can bring their upset to the table in fear of being judged. Yes, we need to talk about these sorts of things together, uncomfortable topics like these…
Thank you for making and sharing the video! Lots of food for the body, heart and thinking… x
Ann Marie!!!! Wow!!!!! Such a powerful share. We are in this together. Either we are all Sovereign, or none of us are. Thank you for sharing your edges. They are beautiful.
Thank you for such an inspiring video. I have been following your work for sometime however the integrity of this video really shines through and elevates your work to a new platform. I think it’s the diversity angle, that we all have stories to share, but through our individual stories we are all one, one celebration of the divine feminine. I hope to work with you in the future
Hi Kristen, thank you so much!!! It’s been a passion project with the desire to inspire women to claim their bodies and lives.
Thank you Dear Saida for your realness and for your standing for ALL WOMEN! For the Natural beauty that you are and that you guide and support each woman in reclaiming. You are so accessible. I honor your reminding each woman how to re-ignite her divine spark, with a smile, a touch, and recognition of what and who we truly are! A beautiful film. Congratulations! Smile on! With love, Rosalind
Yes Rosalind!!!!!
Beautiful video! Direct and deliciously inviting
Thank you Yev!
Saida, as usual you are SO AMAZING ! Powerful because it is REAL…what you create and your message is more than needed at this moment – may you reach many many many more women…I am so glad I get to receive this information !
Lots of love Darling
Eve, I love your encouragement!
Like I read above its my intention, but it gets lost from day to day. I think we lose or focus or sovereignty when we get distracted with ‘life’. This video takes me back to international Women’s day and the impact it had on me this year. We need to stand together and be a team. Show me your team and I will show you you. Thank you so much for sharing.
I love this Asha! Thank you for your heart!
This is incredible. So real and easy to digest. So bright and you touch my heart.
Awwww!! Jena! I’m touched by your heart!
Thank you, for the video. The stories and truths were beautiful, inspiring, and very sad, all at once. The tragedy. And the hope. Of reclaimation, and resurrection. We are not alone. And we can be free.
Yes Kathleen, together we are the change.
The wound as the way…. love it.
Gracias/Thank you to Marta, Lynda, and Lael for being willing to share their journeys and images of how they are re-owning their sexuality. Brings me back to my own intentions that tend to get lost in the day to day…
Thank you Karen for acknowledging this courageous women!!
CHILLLLLLLLSSSSS!!! Beautiful! I’m so grateful for you and your work and your voice!!!!
I love that you love it Sheila!!
Dear Saida: as always your words carry such inspired truth and sacred lifebreath for all of us…
Thank you for your deepening understanding and journey into womanhood & self-sovereignty, showing us it is possible to reclaim ourselves, our lives, our bodies and sexuality.
Ah yes! Thank you for your kind words.
What an incredible honor it has been to witness your absolute integrity in the fully integrated sum of all your parts.
I find HOPE in watching your body’s confident and flexible movements as sovereign and interconnected with Sol.
Your vital life force is Divine! I am forever grateful to you. I look forward to each and every opportunity to learn through your consistently courageous and gentle encouragement.
Today, I move as fast as my slowest part toward tender loving care of my sovereignty.
Yes Donna Marie! Breathing with you!
I feel this is awesomemazing to get involved in woman sensuality and help them overcome there obstacles of fears, believes, and past experiences. I am thankful for you and others, doing this very important work for freeing woman spirit and for there full blossoming .
Than you so much Bogdan!
I love the redefinition of trauma as a pathway to reclamation of sexual sovereignty. Such awesome inspiring women! Thanks Saida, as always your gift is to shine the light on female sexuality and freedom in a way that is truly beautiful.
Awww Willow! I love that you watched this!!! It means a lot to me.
Thankyou so much for this documentary Saida so perfect for me this morning, I love the statement “only move as fast as the slowest part of you” just recently starting to recognise the gifts in slowing down and connecting more deeply with my body, and learning to trusting myself, the feminine and the sexual energy I have repressed.
It really is quite a wild terrain.
Much love
Fefe, thank you so much for watching and for taking the time to share how you connected with it. I love that we are in this together.
Saida, This is such a powerful contribution and prayer answered by the heartwombs of so many. Thank you for your dedication to truth, unveiling LOVE, compassion, honor and integrity for all Beings. Your Lioness walk liberates us all. The awakening of this empowered choice by US and by many still to come is what is transforming our earth beyond what we can even see, but we can feel. Gaia knows and as we are Gaia, we Remember. Thank you! In deep honor and reverence, Sarah
WOW Sarah, your words fill me with beauty. Thank you for receiving so beautifully!