Here’s Your BONUS Video Of The 3-Part Series:

Jade Egg Essentials – The Perfect Place To Start

If it feels delicious for you, my book is a wonderful place to begin your adventure in transforming your succulent self.

It is rich with my Art of Succulent Living PhilosophyHow to live in this world as a fully sensually expressed & integrated woman along with my tried & true Jade Goddess PracticesEverything you need to know and all the how-tos with the Jade Egg and much, much more.

“Emergence of the Sensual Woman teaches women of all ages how to reconnect with their essential sensual energy and utilize it for healing and enhanced pleasure and well-being.”Christiane Northrup, M.D., Author of The Secret Pleasures of Menopause & Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

Click on the link below to get your copy now.

– See more at:

If it feels delicious for you, my book is a wonderful place to begin your adventure in transforming your succulent self.

It is rich with my Art of Succulent Living PhilosophyHow to live in this world as a fully sensually expressed & integrated woman along with my tried & true Jade Goddess PracticesEverything you need to know and all the how-tos with the Jade Egg and much, much more.

“Emergence of the Sensual Woman teaches women of all ages how to reconnect with their essential sensual energy and utilize it for healing and enhanced pleasure and well-being.”Christiane Northrup, M.D., Author of The Secret Pleasures of Menopause & Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

Click on the link below to get your copy now.

– See more at:

The Bundle includes:

Saida’s book, The Emergence of the Sensual Woman, A GENUINE Canadian Nephrite Jade Egg & The Jade Goddess Practice Audio MP3


2 week step-by-step Playbook that leads you through a daily, 10 minute (minimum) practice along with a sample PDF of Saida’s book to get you started while you wait for your physical book to arrive.

It’s the perfect mini-immersion program to get you successfully started.

“Emergence of the Sensual Woman teaches women of all ages how to reconnect with their essential sensual energy and utilize it for healing and enhanced pleasure and well-being.” Christiane Northrup, M.D., Author of The Secret Pleasures of Menopause & Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“The Emergence of the Sensual Woman is a foundational text for enhancing women’s lives, whether partnered or single. It is built on principles of love, spirituality, full embodiment, an accessible text from a deep wisdom tradition. It’s not just a book about sexual technique. It’s a manual for life.”  Jenny Wade, Ph.D, Author of Transcendent Sex

(Normally $197USD with S/H )

$147 + S/H

Little Note: There are no returns on the Jade Egg due to their intimate nature. Thank you.

The Daring Project Facebook Group

This is the Daring Project, a global experiment in what’s possible when we come together with other women with the common purpose of supporting one another to live our most expressed, tender, powerful and greatest self.

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67 replies
  1. Jacqueline
    Jacqueline says:

    Wonderful videos and I agree your voice is “succulent”. I am 64 years and am on the other side of a drought that lasted ohhhhh 15 years or so. The “change” had control over my life and stole nearly everything from it. I know now I could have done it differently. When I read Dr. Northrup’s take on “power surges” I rolled my eyes for years as sleep and anything loving seemed to slip away with the sweat. Something shifted for me mid november and I ordered your book and eggs (from another company without strings). Needless to say the shift has evolved into this magnificent NEWNESS! I am blessed to have a partner (of 39 years now) who is “open” and a giver who celebrates my joy. I am a huge fan of you and your work and thank you from my depths!
    I am ordering for my daughter complete with a beautiful pink crystal spray bottle filled with rose oil (diluted of course) for the “pink pearl meditation”!
    Blessings one and all! xoxo

  2. Alicia Randall
    Alicia Randall says:

    I love this! Its the most delicious food for my soul. The concept of appreciating experiences and other people in this world and how that can activate and enhance juiciness is exactly how I’m feeling right now in my life. I cant wait to discover more about myself and this mindset of being. Its very exciting! Thank you Saida for you exuberance and wisdom.

  3. Jessica Falcon
    Jessica Falcon says:

    I have heard that using a jade egg with an IUD is dangerous. Is it possible to use a jade egg without strings and still be OK with an IUD in? It is a copper IUD. Thank you! I saw resonate with your teachings a message which I just discovered. I applied the beautiful and sacred work you do!

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Well, I know of ladies who safely use their Jade Egg with IUDs, however, you must exercise more awareness and be prepared to stop if there’s discomfort. The string is there for some of the pulling exercises, so you can skip those. It’s also there, initially, to help you gently remove the egg. If you can push the egg out, then you’re good to go without the string. Great to hear from you Jessica!

  4. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    Thank you.. I have recently seperated from my partner, a big part of that happening was what he described as not being attracted to my body. I thought I had been open minded by being ok with him looking at others all the time. I was lacking of juicyness thinking it was because I had turned 40.. But now I can see that i had bargained for love through the compromise of not having someone emotionally involved on the same level as I was.. I’m happy to have rediscovered your work – so that I can now develop my gourmet offering to the world, and catch my inner lover beggar. ….. time to pull out the Jade Egg. 🙂

  5. Ellen
    Ellen says:

    Thank you so much for letting me know I am in my power stage and not sensually dead. I am 75 and in love for the first time. Your book and your videos have fed my hungry soul. My partner thinks I am the best lover he has ever had, because I relax and enjoy the journey with out an end goal. Our relationship is so wonderful, he thinks I should write a book called “Sex at Seventy-five,” but, no one would believe it!

    I do have a problem. I use and practice with the jade egg, but can’t figure out how to feel it and the muscles I need to be able to move. Can you help me with this?

    Thanks again from both my partner and me…

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Hi Ellen! So amazing to hear from you! YAY!!!! Do you have the Jade Egg Mastery course? It has everything you need to master the use of the Jade Egg. Let me know.

    JEN COGLIN says:

    thankyou saida for this. i appreciate and value your wisdom and generosity. i love that you ask us to participate as it awakens my mind and support my learning from passive receiver to active receiver. i also wanted to put off doing this, watching my procrastinator try and get in. So i am writing now. What i must gained from the video/ top insight was in relation to menopause being an opportunity to gain power. i had believed that once bleeding was done it would be All Over and i would have missed the opportunity to gain my power and wisdom, sensuality and sexuality as a woman. i am perimenopausal and have been for a couple of years. i was in a non sensual non sexual relationship for 17yrs. i only had to be sexual for a couple of minutes in that time to ” accidentally” conceive my girls who are now almost 18 and 9. at 44 i thought i would never have an orgasm again, and even those had been sneeze like. i separated from my partner almost 3 yrs ago and began my journey into my womanhood as a sensual and sexual woman, although conscious dance had begun that for me a few years before……what a surprise that was! properly put the cat among the pigeons of who i was and how i was living. Thankyou for being my next step on my journey. into self ownership first, partners 2nd…..big love Jen x

  7. Shamia
    Shamia says:

    Thanks saida for the inspirational video ! The last part really Hit home for me because its been years since I’ve had a Strong attraction to anyone in a long time,but recently i met This beautiful person that radiates this great energy and how It Makes me feel inside is something I’ve never experienced.what’s so exciting is that deep down i use to think that I would never feel that way about anyone,i am not going to do anything about it but just smile and thank them inwardly for waking up my senses.

  8. Magdalena
    Magdalena says:

    Thanks Saida, you speak from your heart, with knowledge and sincerity. You are giving me hope for a new relationship with myself and for exploring and developing my sexuality in a safe, healthy and healing way. I love listening to your videos. I am waiting for my jade egg and the book to arrive, very eager to begin. Keep up the great work you are doing, its inspiring.

  9. B-Li
    B-Li says:

    Thank you, this inspires me to continue with my jade egg practice. I canceled my surgery to get a hysterectomy my doctor encouraged me to have because of heavy bleeding from a large uterine fibroid and an ovarian cyst. My intuition told me that there is another way to bring healing to my reproductive system, and I am willing to change my lifestyle to do so, since that is my creative center and it has been very persistent in getting me to pay attention to its wise messages…my patterns came up in my face to look at what is not working, thanks to my current relationship with a boyfriend. I no longer wish to suffer from pleasure anorexia! My periods became more regular and bleeding is less thanks to acupuncture. Thanks to this work, I see possibilities of instilling new pleasurable habits, and instead of creating stress hormones, create “happy hormones”. Thank you for your inspiring work and celebrating womanhood 😉

  10. Stefanie
    Stefanie says:

    Dear saida,
    I’ve had the pleasure to join your courses about 10 years ago, I was only 21 and there were things I didn’t understand yet… After having my son, I picked up your book and cd and it has truly changed my life! It gave me the courage to leave a bad relationship and I’m now a very happy single mom. Through your videos I’m now reconnecting with myself and I feel like I’m flying… Thank you for handing me the wright tools for a happy healthy life. I have never had this much fun with myself! Thank you for being you ?

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      WOW Stefanie! This is so amazing… I’m delighted to have you in this community and to continue to support you on your journey.

  11. Mónica
    Mónica says:

    Thank you so much Saida. Your words sound like music, there are so many beautiful words you employ when you talk about sensuality, sex and women. What I find fantastic about your programme is that any woman can do it to reconnect to this beautiful part of our nature. I’ve been lacking of sex with my partner for a long time, we are kind of stuck, and for me this programme gives me wings to do what concerns my own body and my sexuality in order to share all that with my partner when we’ll both be ready to share again the intimacy of sexuality. My jade egg is crossing the Atlantic Ocean in its way to France where I’m living!

  12. Savon
    Savon says:

    I appreciate the information you share as a young woman, I am working on standing in my feminine power. Jade Egg practice is something I recently came upon and its nice to get some introductory instruction that is also realistic and not gimmicky. You gifting us women knowledge makes me feel more comfortable pursuing deeper knowledge and services.
    Thank you

  13. Caitlin Grace
    Caitlin Grace says:

    I have totally loved this video series. Thank you Saida for dispelling the myths that only the young and juicy are sexually desirable and that we can maintain our attractiveness through out our lives. i loved learning about the suppleness as I have always felt that tightness was overrated. Loving being a sensual, sexual, fully alive feminine woman.xx

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Awesome Caitlin!

      I’m delighted to hear about this and thrilled to get to support you to continue to deepen your sensual relationship with yourself and life!

  14. shirley
    shirley says:

    Saida, I just want to tell you, your videos have been so welcomed for me at this moment in my life. I had always believed that sex was to be more than what I had experienced. I just had a knowing deep down inside and did not know how to attain that. My informative years left me feeling that being a female was ‘wrong’ ‘dirty’ ‘stupid’ and any assortment of negativity…

    I have just celebrated my 58th year and am so looking forward to receiving your book, cd and jade egg in the mail. I just know that being feminine is more than having a female body, and experiencing the pleasure my body was designed for is my gift to me in the coming months of practise.

    I love the teachings your videos have given….so beautifully done.
    I am going to pass this information along to my two beautiful daughters so they can experience a life of pleasure they were designed for as well.

  15. Terri
    Terri says:

    Wow, I am so thankful to come across you Saida ! 🙂 I want to watch your videos over and over.. For the first time in my life I have hope. My body and mind has been shut down and I am 45. I thought my chance was over to really LIVE. I am single after two bad marriages so maybe this teaching along with the egg would prepare me for a healthy relationship in the future. I have learned a lot and am revealed to know when menopause comes i can still experience a sexual life. I deeply appreciate
    YOU Saida! xO

  16. Maribel
    Maribel says:

    Thanks a lot Saida for your delicious way of looking at life. i am 63 years old, live in spain and have already ordered your bundle.

  17. Marla
    Marla says:

    Thank you so much for delving into this information! I am post-menopausal and have been without a partner for over 5 years. I’m ready to start dating again and have always loved sex but am scared to death as to what I will experience now. I was really heartened to hear that sex after menopause can be the juiciest and most enjoyable of my life! I just received my jade egg bundle in the mail and am excited to start working with it and look forward to amazing results! Thanks again!

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Yes Maria!

      This is exciting!

      Keep in mind that you are about to enter a realm of NEW discovery! Things may feel and express themselves in new ways… so be open to sensations you haven’t yet had before.

  18. Sandy
    Sandy says:

    I am normal. Thank you I needed to hear that…. Dryness…hysterectomy 27 years ago, low libido… All your words give me hope!

  19. Heather
    Heather says:

    My top insight from this video series is: my best years have not passed me by! I am 37, and hearing about women who maintain their sexual vitality and juiciness as they age is liberating!! Thank you so much for re-connecting women with this important wisdom, what a contribution!
    I am excited to continue learning more.

  20. Dawn
    Dawn says:

    i ha forgotten to leave a message after I listened to your wonderful video
    I have been enightened about the dryness of my many thinking it was a result of menopause Even gynecologists tell you the same thing. Knowing now that is it stress related >Ican now really begin to understand why all the creams and coconut oil I have been using really are only a very short term fix . Suffering with dryness and vaginal prolapse and stress incontinence I a working with exercise to repair my pelvic health thank you again for the enlightenment I must add that i find your voice very soothing and so easy to listen to is ther an audio book available I am not a very good reader.

  21. Alexandra
    Alexandra says:

    I’ve really enjoyed all four of your “Myths” videos and learned quite a bit, too. I’ve ordered your book and egg. Thanks, Saida!

  22. Monique
    Monique says:

    Mille fois merci Saîda.I so much appreciate to be regularly accompanied by your encouraging thoughts or videos as reminders to go on practicing your exercices.After 2 months of painful dryness,my yoni is being reconnected with pleasure.She needed perseverance!Thanks

  23. Jocelyn
    Jocelyn says:

    Hello, Saida
    Encouraging as always. Thank you. I hadn’t really thought about it before, but I didn’t realize I had the option of learning techniques that would help me give birth. I know my body will know what to do instinctually, but I’m glad to know that there is guidance available as well, and opportunity to practice (sort of). I dare say that’s several years away still for me, but knowing that preparation and support like this is out there is a comforting thought as I look into the future.
    Love to all

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Aloha Jocelyn,

      Yes, I learned this from being on an amazing ‘Ecstatic Birth’ panel with Dr. Northrup, Ina May Gaskin, Nikole Shapiro, and others!

      In fact, I learned that what it takes to have a beautiful birth and a healthy menopause is exactly the same ingredients as having incredible sex… so really, these philosophies and practices are about being a woman, for the entirety of our lives!

  24. Ruthie
    Ruthie says:

    Saida – Thank you so much – especially for the menopause question. I am 53 and have been struggling with what felt like the loss of part of my identity when I lost my libido round 50 and went completely dry and atrophied. Doctors have not been interested and when I spoke to someone at a menopause clinic, they just told me that that was that when you reach this age! The hope you have given me is unbelievably precious and I am reclaiming that bit of my identity back NOW! Mille fois merci!

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Yes Ruthie,

      Doctors don’t always know or care and there is a lot of misinformation out there. I’m happy you are willing to RECLAIM your full juiciness!

  25. Melissa
    Melissa says:

    Aloha! Thank you so much for everything you give! I love how you bring emotional healing through the yoni, into the physical as a whole woman. Your words are truth and music to my ears. So many women seem to reject their yonis and sexuality. This is a beautiful way of reversing the disconnection, or instilling a liberating practice of fully embodying our sexuality. I have been using the jade eggs for 3 years now and it has changed my life! An awesome yoga teacher shared them with us in India. I am so glad i found your website. It is nice to deepen the practice,and share with women on the same path.I hope every woman jumps into this paradigm of connecting with themselves, it will change the world!

  26. marian
    marian says:

    two years ago I bought your book and it did help me a lot. Also I did a workshop with the jade-egg. I shared a lot of experience with my (women)friends and for me it opened my body and mind and love for myself again in an area that had neglected in my marriage. What you said about menopause in the video is so true. It really is a transformational fase. I’m 58 now and I feel more feminine and jucy ,sexy and powerfull in a loving way.

  27. Cecilie
    Cecilie says:

    Saida – I am so happy to have found your work – I really like your videos and I am looking forward to recieve your book and the jade egg I just ordered. It´s a new world to me, to really give myself attention as a sexual being and it feels so connected to my creativity and to how I move in the world in general.
    I am engaged in creating space for teenage girls and young women – to celebrate being a woman. It is very new for me to think about having sexuality being part of this work. I wonder if you have worked with teenage girls? If you know any material about this particular subject I would be so happy to hear from you.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Aloha Cecille,

      Awesome!! Yes, I have worked with teens (as young as 11 years of age). I don’t have any material myself at this time 🙁

  28. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    I have a breast cancer and one of the recommandation I got (from an enlighted woman)was to make love again with my husband (despite of vaginal dryness/hormones breakdown…)to prevent recurrence. So I met you, read your book, pratice for some time, then left it behind, got another recurrence…and now I’m on my way back to this heart centered sexuality (together with Barry Long and his “Making love” proposal which really suits us)and it is a vital call. Thank you for guiding us on this way with your experience and alignment. Love to hear and see you on these videos.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Wow Patricia!

      Thank you for sharing your experience. Your words are very inspiring and I know they will touch the other women who read them too.

  29. Marie-Lo
    Marie-Lo says:

    I am very much touched through your way of approach (I try to wright in my best english, I am Dutch) and especially I am hit by your words about menopause. I am 52 now and started menopause at the age of 43 and got confronted with many parts of me of which I was confused about and not being tuned in. I got very angry and feeling closed down…I feel more balanced for a little while, but through your video I start to understand what happened in a much better and wider perpective…..I am very grateful, and happy….big big 🙂 for you!

  30. Naomi
    Naomi says:

    Again, Saida, thanks for your work on helping us learn about our true sexuality. We really need it. I have ordered your bundle and
    can’t wait to receive it.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      I’m so delighted to hear this! Stay connected and join the Succulent Woman (private) group on FB where the discussion is with women from around the world!

  31. Vita
    Vita says:

    This is beautiful Saida, thank you so much for sharing this freely, I feel like I alread understand much of what happens with my body a lot better, what an empowered feeling!!!I look forward to reading the book!X


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