Here’s Your First Video Of The 3-Part Series

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210 replies
  1. Filipa
    Filipa says:

    Hi Saida,
    Thanks for sharing this! As i was searching for a more holistic way to “look” into the imbalance of one of my bartholin glands i found you! I know that every physical imbalance has a deeper issue to be “looked”, and i know that this is my body telling me to look exactly to my sensuality, erotic nature and so on… all that you put in “this” place! Thanks again!!!

  2. Janine
    Janine says:

    Hi Saida and thank you! I need a question answered before I purchase a jade egg: I am a post-menopausal woman who was diagnosed with a grade 2 cystocele and a grade 2 rectocele. During my peri-menopausal years, I had great difficulty even keeping a tampon inside; any sneeze, cough, or exertion would push a tampon out and sometimes even just sitting on the toilet was enough to push it out. I know part of it was weak pelvic floor muscles but I also believe the cystocele and rectocele were partially to blame. My question is, can I, or should I, even use a yoni egg given this situation ? And if so, will it even help? I just don’t have the extra cash to waste on a product that I cannot or should not use! Your help and/or advice would be deeply appreciated! Thank you so much!

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Hi Janine, great to meet you! I have had other clients with the same conditions and they learned to work with the egg in such a way that they experienced a whole new level of self love and self acceptance. You can learn the practices, initially, without the Jade Egg (in fact, I always recommending starting that way). And add the Jade Egg later.

  3. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    Hey Saida! Thank you so much for the work that you are doing… you are literally saving my life !!! What is the music title that you are using in your video? It makes me relax so much 🙂

    Much love

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      WOW Rebecca!! That’s amazing!!! I’m soooo touched. Tell me more 🙂 I’m not sure what the music is, my editor use it years ago! Do you have Shazam?

  4. Alexandria
    Alexandria says:

    Dearest Saida. I have been in 10 car accidents ( none of which has been my fault) and have had over 50 surgeries in my lifetime. I have scars on my stomach from stem to stern. Scars that have alienated a previous fiancé and lover. It’s been 9 years – and I have been “frozen” from the trauma and heart ache. Learning to be in touch with myself first; to love myself first; to hear what my body wants first – is what I
    need to feel to thaw…..Thank you.

  5. Kristine Riber
    Kristine Riber says:

    What a joy to read this and see your videos….. Loving it!! I really want more joy and more pleasure in my life, and i wanna start right away <3 thank you Saida

  6. CJ
    CJ says:

    Hi Saida,

    Your positive attitude and encouragement is so valuable to women of all ages. As a happily erotic 68 year old I believe the exercises you are showing us plus the jade egg practice will keep me sexy all the way into my 70’s and beyond. Keep up the great work.

  7. Jacqui
    Jacqui says:

    Hey Saida,

    What is most alive in me each day? – It seems to be compassion 🙂

    I have realized one of the main things I need DAILY is physical touch and human interaction not just online- in person. TOUCH is huge for me- I honestly feel so depleted if I don’t allow myself my own touch or the touch of my partner or a dear friend. I am very tactile. I also believe it’s important for women to touch each other – I don’t mean sexually(unless of course you would like) but in tribe- to have physical contact – Hugging for instance. Well it’s important for me.

    I also find I NEED to be in nature.

    I definitely feel the need to inspire others – My whole being thrives when others are touched by my words or advice. I receive so much joy from serving others.

    Also on the other side to that I realize I thrive when I RECEIVE. It’s an ongoing practice for me.

    These are the things that seem to be super important for me personally.

    I have re-registered and I’m going through this process fully now. Thank you for all that you are <3

  8. Kelly
    Kelly says:

    I’m looking forward to this journey. I have been working on opening my sacral plexus for a while now. After reading your free E-book and just starting to do the breath work, I have seen some amazing results. I look forward to further my studies into this beautiful feminine body of mine. I very grateful you have done so much work in this field.

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Wow Kelly! I LOVE hearing this!! Would you be willing to share with me what some of those results are? I’d love to celebrate with you. 🙂

  9. Jolita
    Jolita says:

    Good morning Saida, I am so happy I discovered you and your website. I grew up in a catholic family and I didn’t have a good relationship with my dad. I ended up in relationships with emotionally abusive men, which lead me in believing that there is something wrong with my sexuality, that I am not able to have pleasure from sex and relationship with men. I am beginning to realize that there is so much in me and I just need to learn to discover it. Thank you for your help.

  10. MK
    MK says:

    When I asked the question “what is it I need today?”, it seemed that I heard my yoni say, “I need you to allow yourself pleasure. I am missing that.” A desire to create is what’s most alive in my heart. I’ve believed for too long that I wasn’t sexy because I never fit the portrait created in the media and presented to us. I applaud you for what you shared in your video-Myth #1 that being born into a female body, I am inherently feminine. I look forward to embracing myself as being sensual and sexual in my own unique, feminine way. This is so empowering! I’m sorry to think that it has taken me 45 years to hear this message so loud and clear and eloquently spoken! I feel that with your message and your support, I have turned a corner in my life that can lead me to a much richer life.

  11. Jolanda
    Jolanda says:

    Dear Saida,

    Today my beautiful jade egg arrived in The Netherlands. It is gorgeous!!
    I also ordered your book in Dutch translations. So . . . I’m very excited to get started!
    Love from The Netherlands, Jolanda

  12. Siri
    Siri says:

    Dear Saida. I got your book and a jade egg in christmas present from my husband (top priority on my wish list). I followed your guidance in the book in trying the jade egg from the first time last night and I found it very beautiful, intimate and gentle – sacred – and full of inspiration of what is there to explore. I really appreciate your personal, woman to woman tone of voice, with emphasis on the gentleness and listening. That made me feel very carried and guided. It means a lot to me that you are speaking from a woman´s perspective, as I have received teachings in this area primarily from men; David Deida & Mantak Chia. Which has inspired me a lot, but bringing it all the way home and claiming it mine for my sake, and in a female universe makes deeply sense.
    I am inspired and grateful to have met your teaching. Thank you.

  13. Wendy
    Wendy says:

    Hi Saida, I love this community of sisterhood that you have created! I am just beginning my journey of self-healing at this deep of a level and have found this first video to be so powerful! I began my first yoni journal today, and I felt the intense profoundness of my doing so. I look forward to many more days of journaling in this way. My intention is to claim my true feminine power so that I can raise up my feelings of self worth and fully emerge into the world in the way that I want to.

    Here are a few things that came to me in the heart yoni connection:
    Today, I am mindful of my physical body’s needs.
    To mentally stay centered and present.
    Stay in my heart (the place that is truly me, my essential nature)
    I feel my vibrance – life force energy. I am aware of it in this moment.
    My body is strong and capable to carry out my will. My yoni is wise and capable of unlimited pleasure.
    My eroticism is unlimited. My essence expands into the universe and merges with it as one.
    These questions prompt me to think better of myself than I would without them. They help empower me to step fully into the world.

    Thank you for these precious gifts, Saida!

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      WOW! Wendy! I love this!!! Congrats on really going for it, for being willing to enter the most profound relationship of your life… with yourself!

      • Wendy
        Wendy says:

        Thank you, Saida. I am so grateful for you and these practices. I will keep you posted on my progress. Heartfelt blessings to you…

  14. Joanne
    Joanne says:

    Friends of mine in a local women’s group gave me the link to your Jade Egg website. I can hardly wait to purchase mine when I get paid on the 1st! I found this first myth video rings so true and have quit blaming myself and encouraging a transgender friend of the family to be herself and ignore society’s twisted sense of feminine. I’ll be sending her the link to your Jade Egg page too as she is encouraged to use a dildo for “exercises” but finds it uncomfortable. From what I have read I believe the Jade Egg would be easier and better for her to use. I an excited and look forward to learning more! Thank you for sharing.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Awesome Joanne!

      I’m thrilled to be here to support you and your friend in having an beautiful experience with the Jade Egg and your sensual/sexual nature.

  15. Antonella
    Antonella says:

    Dear Saida, it is lovely to connect with your personally through this sessions. I have heard of you a few years back from my ‘Tao of Love’ coach Uta Demontis here in the UK; I am aware that you know each other. The work done together, with 6 sessions, have enabled me to start finding my creative life force/energy again. Unfortunately I was not able to continue, life dramas took over (I bought a Jade Egg in the past and, believe it or not, I cannot find it: such a metaphor!). So this year I have enrolled on the online course by Christiane Northrup ‘Ageless Goddess’ and I had various opportunities to discuss your work/book with other goddesses. Now it is my time again to reconnect my own sexual self with my own spiritual spiritual self through the heart. I have just danced for two days (12 hours!) with the School of Movement Medicine, the workshop called ‘Dancing with the Source of our Sexual energy’ and -as always- I find that music and movement teach me so much, as they enable me to be in the moment, savour every breath, every beat, every connection, within or with others. I look forward to follow your teachings again and to find my wholeness which I yearn more than anything in life. Thank you for offering these starting steps for free. I really appreciate you and your work.

  16. Sabrina
    Sabrina says:

    Thank you for the conversation on what it is to be feminine. I always thought I wasn’t feminine enough because I didn’t look delicate. I don’t have the type of curves they show on television so I really thought I was less than. I feel like my eyes are opening a little and I am curious to discover what I find as I take this journey with you. Thank you!

  17. Renpet
    Renpet says:

    Greetings Saida,
    As soon as I started listening to you I felt the connection, and I can relate to having that “rushed” feeling and I know that it’s about relaxation. I look forward to continuing on this part of my journey. I’m thankful for my sister Salkis Re telling me about you. I feel the transformation already happening.

    Thank you for being you 🙂

  18. Romina
    Romina says:

    I’ve done the meditation and the answers easily came out from my deep, helping me to really clarify my situation in the very present moment and set out my intentions. I think is a good start! I’m feeling so motivated to go forward in this very new path. You’re are so gorgeusly inspiring. Thank for sharing. A hug from my heart.

  19. Pat
    Pat says:

    So grateful to find you and these teachings. I just completed six months of treatments and hysterectomy for uterine cancer and know deeply that I need to reconnect with my yoni, thank you beautiful young woman!

  20. Angie
    Angie says:

    I think this is the beginning of a wonderful discovery and rewarding journey. Thank you Saida for sharing your passions and beliefs.

  21. Diana
    Diana says:

    Yes! Thank you Saida! I am already owning my amazing and powerfully beautiful, wise, and dynamic feminine presence more and more… and I’m growing more deeply in Love, in awe, and in celebration of myself and the woman I am!! Yes! Sexy, Sultry, Succulent Women Unite and Spread the Power of Yoni Goodness! We Rock

  22. Claudia Orantes
    Claudia Orantes says:

    Wonderful Saida, thank you so much for sharing all this powerful wisdom! I am full of gratitude with what I have already discovered in such a short period of time, amazed about the fact we have so much to heal, learn and transform, and excited to know I’ll be learning even more!!!

  23. Terri
    Terri says:

    I feel a lot of pain in my heart and genitals. Two failed marriages and men I have tried to date only want to use you. I feel fear… i want to start a relationship with myself and learn to love myself.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Yes Terri, this is vital. And guess what? You will never ever again abandon yourself and you will always make new choices that enhance your life and your delight.

  24. Marcela
    Marcela says:

    I was feeling so down, and a friend mentioned your work. I love your vitality and radiance. I am going through a divorce and just turned 40, and feel like this crossroads in every area of my life will give me access to a beautiful future. I look forward to more exercises and more discovery.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Awesome Marcela, welcome to the Succulence Revolution! It would be an honor to support you. I’ve just started a private membership group for those women who want access to me regularly and to be able to take things deeper: JOIN MEMBERSHIP GROUP

  25. Rochelle
    Rochelle says:

    Hi Saida, I just watched the video with you and Kristen and I always thought I was the only girl that seems like she has a sex addiction. I’ve spent my whole like exactly as you described but never being fulfilled. I’ve tried self pleasuring but it seems like it doesn’t work as well. My current partner and I have sex at least 3 times a day. I just found out about the jade egg from that video as well and I am going to buy one to see if it helps me like it helped you. Thank you for being so honest, it is really helpful to hear another woman speak so openly about this.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Thank you Rochelle… definitely keep exploring the Jade Egg… I didn’t get it instantly, but over time, I finally came home to myself.

  26. Reina
    Reina says:

    Thanks Saida 🙂 I am so glad I just by chance (or not 😉 found you. I am now reading your book and your succulent way of looking at being a woman, sex….does resonate deeply in me. I have fasten my seatbelt and I am ready for the ride in this revolution:)

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Wow! Awesome Reina, sweet to meet you. Stay in touch and let me know how you go! I’ve a private membership group you may like to join if you’d love to have access to me directly on a regular basis: JOIN GROUP NOW

  27. Laura
    Laura says:

    Saida, Thanks for this wonderful information. My healer/mentor recommended reading Emergence of the Sensual Woman. The information and practices have changed my life. Healing from sexual abuse – the sensual woman was my last frontier to conquer. Thanks to my healer and your book my sensual self is now emerging! I am excited to soon begin the Jade Egg practices. Words cannot thank you enough for all this wonderful information.I never imagined all this to be possible!

  28. Dr. Ed (Weinsberg)
    Dr. Ed (Weinsberg) says:

    Saida, Thanks for sharing your fabulous insights on women’s acceptance of their innate sensual femininity. I say this from my point-of-view as a man who is also a fellow intimacy coach and a certified sexuality counselor.

  29. Kiko
    Kiko says:

    I have been referred to you by Shakaya Breeze. I love the messages you have in your videos and e-booklet. I did this exercise and learned that Yoni stays turned on when she has unstructured time, time to reflect, time to be with others and connect, and time for pleasure and dance. Yoni especially comes alive with dance and music. Thank you for what you are creating, Saida! I can’t wait to try out the Jade Egg.

  30. Cheryl
    Cheryl says:

    I just turned 56 and am afraid of sex and sexual intercourse. I’m in counseling with an excellent therapist and am so thankful to find your site…thank you.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Hi Cheryl,

      Thank you for writing. You are a sexual being, whether or not you choose to be sexually active. By learning to come home to yourself, you may find a natural curiosity emerge about sexual play. For now, enjoy being with yourself in ways that relax open your body and generate delight for you.

  31. Sonja-Sophie
    Sonja-Sophie says:

    I’m sharing your info with my Ladies doing “Healthy Sexy Body Camp” – the Jade Egg practice and your gentle, sacred way of discussing these issues have helped me personally and I love to recommend you!!!

  32. Britta
    Britta says:

    Oh lord I needed that! The ability/time/joy of being able to sink into/rest in/to be in my body… Thank you so much for this simple yet powerful gift. It took me a little bit, but once I really felt my heart-yoni connection I gained so much from this exercise. It was such a relief, tears just poured out of me, and then once the relief faded to comfort I began to feel energized by my breath. Such a beautiful and unexpected experience. I am excited for more!

  33. Jewels Harrison
    Jewels Harrison says:

    Finally checking in on what you do outside of the Red Tent. Love the message and look forward to the next videos. Thank you for sharing the clarity and pure perspective you have of being a fully self actualized woman in our world.

  34. Leanne
    Leanne says:

    Looking forward to a much deeper connection with myself. I had traumatic brain injury in 1988 and was basically left for dead. 4 years ago I had COGMED therapy which increased my short term memory by 20%. I was likened to Rip Van Winkle after waking from a 20 year slumber to discover I had birthed 2 boys and now was responsible for a 5 and 7 year old. 2012 my husband left me and Last year I had a brain scan which showed 50% of my brain was offline. The right side of my brain was not working correctly. I had 25 treatments of Neuro Feedback and 5 treatment of tDSC. My world has left from shades of grey tomassive splashes of technicolor. Looking to enhance my journey and have many more surprises as I continue to improve and SHINE my light.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Wow Leanne!

      You have an incredible story… Welcome to the Succulence Revolution and to the ‘world of color & texture’, as you say. 🙂

  35. Lori
    Lori says:

    hi saida, so simple and so powerful an exercise. Immediately brought up deep grief. I suspect related to grief feelings from my daughter’s birth 18 years ago — trauma of infection transmitted to her. Repercussions of the birth have filled every moment of my life since. No fault of my own. Yet feelings are deeply embedded there still, and how else to reach them than this way. Grief rising up with this exercise. So painful, so palpable. So much more still there. How long to bear it? Very hard to stay with the feelings. I’m stopping. Will do in little moments can only take so much. Thank you saida

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Little, tiny steps are the most powerful. As you let go more and more and allow yourself to just be with what emerges while continuing to be willing to explore, you will find your own blossoming happening at a pace that is right for you.

  36. Deborah Cautela
    Deborah Cautela says:

    Dear Saida,

    I am glad that I met you and Kristen in the Red Tent. I identified with your story of being taken to your edge. How that has manifested in my life is by taking myself to my edge by creating what I want in my life. That I am Alive! I come from a place of love and passion.

  37. Laurie
    Laurie says:

    Hello Saida. Thank you for this. I got very emotional when I put my hands on my heart and yoni. I initially felt stuck and frustrated because I didn’t feel anything. I did not feel any aliveness. After reading some of the other women’s comments, I became quite emotional and realized that I just need to keep practicing this until I feel what is alive. Thank you to Cristina for reminding us that yoni means “sacred entrance” — that really touched me and allowed me to connect more to my femininity. I’m a work in progress and look forward to the next videos.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Hi Laurie,

      Thank you for your honest sharing! The good news is that if we do take the time to slow down, feel, and connect, we start to un-numb and/or turn up the volume on this exquisite connection.

  38. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    Thank you. I appreciate the practice of listening to the voice of my yoni. She said, “proceed with compassion”. And so I will. I appreciate the support of your experience, practice and tools.

  39. Raje
    Raje says:

    I just did this first Yoni/Heart Meditation.
    I am on the floor in my beautiful bathroom, trying to take some time and space to myself to do this…very powerful, Thank You.
    I realize I am out of touch with what I need today and even tuning in it feels so far away… what is most alive is my desire to discover again who I am as a sexual sensual woman.
    I have spent the last 29 years being caregiver to my son who is totally physically challenged, and 29years in a dis functional, emotionally abusive relationship… I am living where there is really no community and for the last two years I have been 24/7 caregiver for my son.I have joined the Pleasure Tribe to Heal and have community of women like yourself and many others who also want to open to the powerful sensual, erotic women we are , without hiding and feeling guilty for wanting, yearning , knowing, and rediscovering. I want to Play and Dance, and I am very SHY…

    • Saida
      Saida says:


      Be Shy… its beautiful. Like you.

      Every little step you take towards yourself is HUGE.

      Every time you let your own delight expand is MASSIVE.

      So celebrate that fact that you are blossoming in your very own, unique way…. and thank you for being a part of my world!

  40. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    I find I don’t much want to have sex with my partner, even though I love him deeply. I’m 66. I hope this helps. Thanks

  41. Ady
    Ady says:

    After a recent relationship break up, & at 48, I am looking forward to exploring my feminine beauty & sensuality for ME, as I approach the next stage of my womanhood. You are beautiful, shining inspiration Saida, so great to read how this simple meditation helps my sisters. I just purchased the Jade egg bundler, so excited to work with these tools for ME. Blessings xo

  42. Kimsicle
    Kimsicle says:

    oh it was my speakers….hehe…they needed to be recharged…so glad i got to listen…so excited for this next step in my growth….yay. I really love the question…what do i believe to be true about my body and my erotic nature….thank you chickabella..

  43. Kimsicle
    Kimsicle says:

    I am ordering my egg today
    yay….i was listening to the video above however the sound stopped a few mins. in…wah

  44. Henrika
    Henrika says:

    Thank you for sharing these secrets ! I just joined the Pleasure Tribe with Krustin, you and the other experts and ordered a Jade egg from your website !
    Can’t wait to unleash my sleeping sensual and sexual energy and tap into it to really be me and create a phenomenal life beyond the limitations of this reality.
    I love the way you talk about all this 🙂

  45. Flora
    Flora says:

    What I felt when I did the meditation was…the beauty of my sexuality and my heart and the connection the two have with each other. I could also feel…how private that part of me is and…enjoy visiting with her, that private private me. And I could feel also that she has been…only nominally adventurous. But somehow, it has always worked for me, to keep it simple. Anyhow, I felt that I sat with that simple sort of…unstudied sexuality in me and…felt her in a way that was at once both present and tinged with nostalgia. Because as I stand at the gate of your work, I understand that I may be taking her somewhere new.
    i have studied yoga and done healing down there through the yoga. But somehow…i never directly thought of it as sexual…just about health. and I do have those whole body gasms in recent years. I never even considered that the yoga healing work might be causing it. I think I thought it was just from…falling ever deeper in love with my mate.
    Ok, hitting the send button! 🙂

  46. Jnet
    Jnet says:

    I realise I want/need to love and own myself as a woman, a beautiful woman that shines instead of the dark tired shadow of a woman that I feel am. Thank you Saida.

  47. Shell
    Shell says:

    Thank you Saida……I’m really going to have to work with this one to try and open myself up again, I have been shut down for a very long time after being very hurt from my last relationship…..feeling really stuck and afraid to open…..don’t want to keep holding on to this pain…..

  48. Kate
    Kate says:

    Hi Saida! I just had a poignant and incredible conversation with my body, as a result of watching your video and doing the exercise. I got really connected to a very young part of myself that was I think VERY embodied and expressed, and then was shamed/manipulated into closure. From that place, sensuality/sexuality was very wrong, messy, risky and “lesser” way of being. That part of me always felt like she’d done something really wrong–like she made a stupid mistake to be so open/expressed/embodied. In this meditation I was able to sit with that part and tried to help her know that she wasn’t wrong–that it was/is a TRUE and PURE instinct to open and love!

    Thank you for the opportunity to listen more deeply!

  49. Roz
    Roz says:

    Hi Saida found my way here via Rent Tent Revival.Due to trauma over the past few years I have felt empty of sensual expression its not just about sexuality but there is a link. Thanks to you and Kristin and all the wonderful women in the Red Tent I am slowly feeling into my sensual femmine Self once again and it is oh so juicy.This is a magical journey. Blessings of Love/Light
    Oh and one of my intentions is to get the Jade egg package.

  50. Serit
    Serit says:

    Dearest Saida,
    I just listened to your talk on the Erotic Edge at the Red Tent Revival and wanted to understand more. I am deeply moved and am looking forward to exploring my own sensuality, sexuality and femininity!
    Love to you,

  51. Antonietta
    Antonietta says:

    Salut Saida!
    What *joy* to find You (via Dear Kristin at the Kali stage of the Red Tent)!
    You are a Gorgeous Being, whom feels so familiar!
    I am looking forward to deepening and expanding my Yoni:Feminine Shine!
    I look forward to Jading it in the near future, and hope to catch You when You are next in Australia!
    A huge smile, a deep bow and a heart:shine:hug, from a Yoni Syster in Oz!
    *blows kisses on the Stardust*

  52. Esme
    Esme says:

    Thanks Saida, I missed out on your workshop in Byron Bay last year, due to an awful break up. Was so sad not to have participated but now a year later in UK ready to take the responsibility of my own journey. Thank you, it can be intimidating and at times deeply emotional to fully admit to myself that I have been living in total denial of my sexuality and scared to be a woman…. it’s like a feeling of bitterness and being robbed of my my birthright… so I am now learning to understand and forgive as much as I can, especially my self, the hurt caused from not accepting myself! Perfect timing with the red tent weekend, time to move forward 🙂 Thanks you X

  53. sonia
    sonia says:

    Good day saida,sorry d video is not playing n I don’t know why. its really worries my cos I’d really luv 2 see d content. Moreover how do I get d jade egg, am in Nigeria.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Hi Sonia,

      Did you try a different browser?

      I’m not sure what the customs is for Nigeria. We have successfully sent things to South Africa.

  54. Maureen
    Maureen says:

    Dear Saida,
    I am feeling like i rescued me. The answer to my question leads me richt back to me. Thank you for insight and sharing .
    I love the heart yoni excercies.

  55. Juliette
    Juliette says:

    Hello Saida: I am new and was watching the first video and it stopped just as it began, can you please resend it to me please, I am loving it so far!

    Thank you.

  56. Jessie
    Jessie says:

    YAY, yoni awareness!!! Saida, I just listened to you on Rock The Change and I am still thinking about it a day later. What you said touched me on a deep level, I had heard the teaching “worship your body like a temple” but the way you spoke about the cause and effect (which I am struggling with) of how we treat our bodies and how well we go through menopause woke me right up! Keep the wisdom coming! Can’t wait to hear, see, learn more from you!!! <3

  57. Kim
    Kim says:

    Hi Saida,

    I’m so grateful to have discovered you, and know without a doubt that I was lovingly guided to your site today. I found the exercise in your first video to be exceedingly powerful for me. When asking myself what was most alive for me today, I saw the new blooms, color and springtime magic bursting forth today after so many weeks of bitter cold and snow. I smiled inwardly at the vision of the dozens of robins who are back and seemingly celebrating this moment of sweet renewal. I felt a stirring, an inner song, and a renewal or rebirth of sorts within myself; a gentle awakening to the beauty all around me, and the beauty that is me. I’m so excited to delve more deeply into your sharings, and I thank you for invoking this experience for me through your video.

    Blessings to you!

  58. Hope
    Hope says:

    Hi Saida,
    I was having a difficult day yesterday and I experienced a shift after watching your video. The question, “What is most alive for me today?” permeated my being as I got in touch with the answer. It shifted me into a feeling of aliveness, connection and possibility. It’s interesting, because my answer had absolutely nothing (seemingly) to do with my sexuality, sensuality or erotic nature. It had to do with my deep appreciation of physical nature outside. I had been so moved by watching two swan “couples” sitting together on the shoreline over the water where I live. They touched my soul, and that reminded me of who I am and why I am here. That is what came up for me doing that exercise. I also carried this energy into my dreams, as I had a sexual dream last night with the awakening of a dormant feeling of vitality. It was very clear (and accompanied a dream “story” and old relationship from the past), and reconnected me to a part I’ve been missing. Thank you 🙂

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Yes! That’s beautiful. Here’s the thing, being a succulent woman doesn’t = being sexual 24/7. It is about being intensely alive in all situations… Thank you for sharing such a perfect example of this in action!

  59. hanne
    hanne says:

    Saida, thank u for sharing all this information. I give you a big hug for touching the sensual woman within us and let her live again

  60. Louise
    Louise says:

    Saida, Thank you so much for this wonderful,succulent information you are sharing with us. It means so much to me… as I love being the sensual woman you are calling us to be. smile!

  61. Mary
    Mary says:

    Saida, Thank you for these videos and insights. As we get older we think being sensual as we get older isn’t the same as when we were younger. I know I can be just as sensual or more so now than I was before with the insights and exercises. I can get to know my body,and my mind, the sensual part of me, that part that is still alive in me. When there is a man in my life again. I will not only see myself as more sensual and confident,and so will the he see me as sensual and confident. Thank you for your positive energy, gives me a more positive look at a positive me.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Aloha Mary,

      I’m so happy you shared your wisdom here!

      Our aliveness and erotic intelligence is ageless. It’s like breathing. If we stop breathing, we die. If we stop being truly alive, we also die (a slow, life-long suicide). No one says that breathing is only for the young, so why is there an ‘age-range’ for sexuality and feeling delicious?

  62. Jocelyn
    Jocelyn says:

    Oh, Saida,
    I feel my body getting warm and relaxing just watching your video, hearing your voice. It feels soooo good.
    What you say about thinking there’s something wrong with us, that resonates with me. The images of the feminine held up to be examples to me were rather dry and lifeless and not sexy. For a long time, I thought there was something wrong with me, for wanting to be sexy. It is good for me to understand that sexual energy IS life flowing through me, and this is a good thing, embracing it.
    I love your work. I love you. I will enjoy my conversation with myself. Thank you for enlightening my sensual understanding. You are a great encouragement to me.

  63. LeAn
    LeAn says:

    Thank you so much. Found you through the Red Tent Revival. I loved the story of the much older woman and the young lover. Gives me hope, being well over 60 and feeling dried up and old.

  64. Candace
    Candace says:

    I find all this self discovery fascinating can’t wait to try my first practice when I’m done here. I definitely want a better relationship with my Yoni ,my heart,my soul. Thank you for your wisdom and willingness to share to help all women.

  65. Randene
    Randene says:

    Due to wanting children for 20 years but not having the blessing for a number of reasons I have slowly lost my way. Even my connection or interest in sexual relations with no future of a family has stopped me in my tracks. I have had to re-evaluate my entire being including my interest in myself sexually as a woman who will only have sex for sex. If that makes sense. It’s been devastating. I’m now working on a better mindset and you’re part of it. Thank you.

  66. sophia
    sophia says:

    Thanks for your wonderful work and delightful message. I discover it a few days ago, While I was drying up due to a lack of pleasure
    You are a living inspiration for me !
    My dream now is to get the course with you. I have one question : if needed, will it be possible to have support in french ?

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Awesome Sophia!

      Great to have you join the Succulence Revolution. 🙂

      The best way is to use GOOGLE translate for all the written things. You could submit a few questions in French, if it wasn’t clear to you.

  67. Torch
    Torch says:

    What is most alive for me today is that I must embrace all aspects of myself in order to remain at the source of my succulence.

  68. Sabrina
    Sabrina says:

    Hello Beautiful Saida, Hello to all you Beautiful Women out there.
    Wow, how amazing it has been to read your booklet and listen to your video.
    It was like awakening a part of me that was never encouraged to come into the light and shine.
    From now on, I am going to celebrate the woman that I am just the way I am.

  69. Melissa
    Melissa says:

    Aloha! Thank you for sharing your gifts! I love what you are saying,it makes so much sense and is a great reminder. Especially our relationships with our- Self. Also what you say about society and our belief systems around being a woman, amen! The Goddess is alive and magic is afoot 🙂

  70. Denise
    Denise says:

    Like your positive attitude… remaining hopeful, trying to ignore own skeptical nature. Looking forward to next video.

    • Saida
      Saida says:


      Never ignore your skepticism! It is healthy! We must be discerning when we are exploring: open, curious AND discerning!

  71. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    Hummmmm… Seems I’m starting a new journey here…and am really looking forward to it! Thank you for the inspiration x

  72. Phumy
    Phumy says:

    This is a wow! I’m 46 and I believed that whatever I’m feeling,its because I’m aging,so nature is taking its course. Thanks.

  73. Amanda
    Amanda says:

    Thank you Saida…I love your wise and heartfelt observations. You are doing great work…I will be telling my girlfriends all about you.x

  74. Marie-lo
    Marie-lo says:

    I am still a bit confused and confronted by your simple approach and exercise, which opens up a door in myself I have been looking for a long time! I feel connected already, and I have just started…! Thank you for your warm and joyfull way and I am looking forward to your next mail! Love, Marie-Lo.

      • Marie-lo
        Marie-lo says:

        I realize, just now, that I am confronted with my own idea that to enjoy myself I have to do a lot of things, work hard….I never knew that it could be simple….. 🙂 🙂 Thanks for your response!!

        • Saida
          Saida says:

          Ahhhhh! That feels yummy doesn’t it. We are often sold ideas that things are complex and cost a lot of money, but we have a long history of existing in simplicity and naturalness. I celebrate your exploration!

          • Marie-Lo
            Marie-Lo says:

            Hello! 🙂 🙂 🙂 (I love this expression of feeling) thank you very much for encouraging me! Love. See you at the next video-page.

  75. stella
    stella says:

    Thank you Saida for bringing me home! It realy touches me deeply. Now my light is shining brightly and I’m happy to be a loving, savvy and sensual woman and to feel connected with all female human beings!

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Awesome Stella! To live a Succulent Life is Revolutionary!! Thank you for being willing to embark on this journey.

  76. Leigh
    Leigh says:

    Thank you Saida, I have already done my first heart-yoni meditation & was amazed by the power & intensity of my visions & knowing. Looking forward to learning more.

  77. Andrina
    Andrina says:

    What a generous gift, such beautiful messages. Thank you. Inspiring & powerful, presented with such love and joy.
    I look forward to remembering my succulence & embracing & celebrating my feminitity.
    So glad to have met Sol today & my thanks to him for leading me your work.
    I hope to find a way to make it to Byron Bay to journey with you, but if not this time, your products look fantastic & will keep me going for now.
    My heartfelt gratitude to you both for the work that you are doing, it is so deeply needed today.
    I have worked in women’s health & education for many years and see that the work that you are doing is transformational on so many levels.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Aloha Andrina!

      Yes, Sol mentioned he met an amazing woman! Delighted to meet you, delighted you love the Succulence Revolution. Hope to see you very soon in person.

  78. Paula
    Paula says:

    I love your message… So true and I can see that it will take some practice to remember in the moment to moment. Deep thanks for your work — your ebooklet is really beautiful too.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Aloha Paula,

      Yes, it is the moment to moment choices we make that add to or take away from our Succulence. I trust you will enjoy the weekly Succulent Thoughts as well as the monthly practice Tips.


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