Here’s Your 3rd Video Of The 3-Part Series:

75 replies
  1. Cherise
    Cherise says:

    While dancing after Video #2, I realized a hang up about my weight that was utterly mind blowing. I believe being fat inoculates me against infidelity. Got some work to do there!

  2. Tine
    Tine says:

    Dear Saida,

    I am a bit older (60) but I agree with you it should not be a problem to remain juicy and enjoying sexuality and pleasure.

    Unfortunately I am a diabetes patient type 1 since more than 30 years. In my experience my orgasms are taking much longer to achieve now and are less explosive or less longer. I asked several medical helpers if the diabetes was the reason for that, but apparently is not a subject that was studied by medical workers.

    Do you have information about the subject?

    Is there something I could do to improve this situation? I take care of myself though and I love myself.

    Thanks for your time, and for the nice and instructive videos’s you send me!


    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      There are many things we can do for ourselves as women, outside of intervention. If response is slow, that’s okay. It normally is for most women (we move slowly). AND… regular (daily if possible) solo-cultivation (including self-pleasure) is crucial to keep the neural pathways engaged and alive.

  3. Shamia
    Shamia says:

    Hello beautiful ladies !this is exciting and new for me but I love what I’ve been learning its amazing how wonderfully women are made looking forward to the yoni egg practise.thanks so much saida you are my mentor.

  4. Shamia
    Shamia says:

    The exercises really helped me! I am so excited to receive yoni egg through the mail even though this is new a journey for me I will savour and and take my time with the practise and treat it like a new born baby.

  5. Alyson
    Alyson says:

    Saida! This is such amazing wisdom.
    It makes me realize how much pleasure im lacking in my daily life and why Im not happy. Now everything makes sense. Thank you so much!

  6. Karin
    Karin says:

    Thanks for your vídeos. Very inspiring. Perfect timing for reconnect with my sensuality and allows me to feel again.

  7. Mónica
    Mónica says:

    Hi Saida! I’ve really enjoyed expanding my senses to pleasure. This practice helps me to recover the power to feel pleasure at any moment, with much more intensity that I’ve been living for a while. I can see how I recover the taste of sensuality, and the sensation of being sexy. And most of all, I appreciate taking this little time for me everyday, to take care of what is so beautiful and so intimate.

  8. Pallavi
    Pallavi says:

    Saida, thank you so much for sharing this wisdom. I am 34 yr old, married for 11 yrs, however since a few months my partner is facing some sexual dysfunction issues, due to hypertension medicines and stress. I tried your beautiful exercises, especially perineum breathing, yesterday. And suddenly could feel everybody talking their heart out to me. It was as if I had closed an ear to the universe through too much control. Not to mention the passionate night I had with my partner. In so many months, for the first time, it was like he could not keep his hands off me. The beggar and gourmet bowl comparison you gave.rang so true.
    I am a great fan of Louise Hay and would like to quote some words from her here – ‘Incurable’ only means nothing outside can cure it, we need to go within to search for answers.
    Warm regards and gratitude to you. Stay fine 🙂

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Hi beautiful Pallavi,

      I apologize for my delayed response, we had a few kinks to work out this past week.

      I’m delighted to meet you and happy to inspire you to keep yourself purring no matter what circumstances your life brings to you.

      And yes, Incurable = Curable from Within!!!

  9. Marnie
    Marnie says:

    I was introduced to The Desilets Method thru the Shakti Summit on The Shift Network. I find your insight and videos inspiring!! In just a few days of the 3 myths practice my husband has noted an astounding change which he finds even more intriguing and stimulating. More pleasure for both of us. Thank you!!
    P.S. Can’t wait to get my Jade Egg! : )

  10. Nancy
    Nancy says:

    Thank you Saida, for your beautiful heart and inspiration. I enjoy your awareness of the wholeness of who we are and how to embrace this with love. It has opened my heart to my feminine self again. Thank you.

  11. laura
    laura says:

    thank you for this video!i realized i was depriving from a while(too long!!!) to pleasure. now i understand how this is important and part of me!and this feeling alive throught the body it s our divine essence!!! let s start practicing!! thank you!!!

  12. Kat
    Kat says:

    I am so grateful our paths have crossed I don’t have the words to tell you how much you mean to me.Thank you with all my heart for the work you do and that you are so generous to share it in this way. I have been struggling for so long to feel alive again, been dead inside for so long.I look forward to any information you share.Thank you.

  13. Leanne
    Leanne says:

    These videos are awesome. My Libido had not functioned until I had Neuro Feedback on my Traumatised Brain in 2013. 1988 till 2013 The right hand side of my brain was “offline”. I also have short term memory challenges. 12 months ago I did not have the concentration span to watch a 10 minute video. Now I can. It would be really helpful if I could have these videos, strictly for personal use in mp4 format so I don’t have to stream them and chew up band width. In Australia Band width is a HUGE issue and I would like to watch them when I have no band width which is often when in Country areas. I a looking forward to receiving my egg in the post along with your book. I am currently in The Pleasure Tribe and on a huge learning curve. Love, Peace and Truth

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Hi Leanne,

      Thank you for your suggestion. For now, this is the formula that we have, but my team will take this into consideration!

  14. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    Thank you for these videos – information and practices and the life/energy that you are facilitating. The timing for the gift of you in my life is perfect. Deep gratitude.

  15. Kimberly
    Kimberly says:

    Hi Saida. I met you through the Red Tent Revival interview with Kristin. The Red Tent was a huge Woo Hoo! And now I’m in the Pleasure Tribe. Thank you for these videos. They are wonderful, thought-provoking, life changing. I love listening to your voice and watching you. Starting from the RTR, I have been having a lot of stuff – emotional baggage – come up. I’ve been a myofascial release and unwinding therapist for 20 years, which involves emotional release of issues that are in the tissues. In that capacity, releasing a lot of my own issues. I’ve had incredible teachers. But never, ever did the kind of stuff that you and Kristin and the other “pleasure professors” focus on come in my training. It is unwinding me in ways I’ve not experienced. And is inspiring me to create a new kind of myofascial unwinding for women. Thank you.

    Lastly, Video 2 went into my spam folder for some reason (1 & 3 were in my in-box). I thought I moved it into the in-box to view it, but it is not there. Are you able to resend it to me? I have not yet viewed it.

    • Saida
      Saida says:

      Hi Kimberly,

      There is no separation between your psyche and your sexuality… so as you open up to feeling more, everything that has been hidden will show itself in order to be loved back into wholeness.

      I believe Sony took care of getting you the 2nd video, yes?

      • Amelia
        Amelia says:

        Wow, do those words resonate: “There is no separation between your psyche and your sexuality… so as you open up to feeling more, everything that has been hidden will show itself in order to be loved back into wholeness.” Thank you!

  16. sally
    sally says:

    You are a wonderfull Being Saida
    but You know that :~)

    Thank You for all that You are,
    and all that You offer :~)))

  17. Lavrieta
    Lavrieta says:

    <3 I really enjoy the deepening understanding of the divine feminine mysteries from your wonderful insights. It's like finding the user manual to our bodies that have been locked away in a secret classified file in the dungeon. Thank you for awakening the body mind spirit connection that has been too long sleeping.

    ( ☆* Be well & joyful
    ´`★.¸¸¸. •°´♥¸.★*´˜ ≈ ·


  18. ksenia
    ksenia says:

    Amazing information – i started practice perineal breathing – it makes me feel alive and much younger. How i can get your book in hardcover ( i live in Canada) – not available at

  19. maureen
    maureen says:

    feels so good to give attention to me. Thank you for sharing and reminder that we women are so much stronger than we sometimes realise.

  20. Rosslyn Picton
    Rosslyn Picton says:

    Hello Saida, My dear friend sent me your link. I must say that I do feel some discomfort getting into my sexuality. Because I have this ‘meme’ of rejection which plays over and over, I have held a long standing believe that I can’t attract love/sex. And at 51, I’ve basically shut that part of myself off. I’m so grateful for your videos and want to learn to open myself up to my own ‘juiciness and inner joy’…I have a goal to take a dance class to go deeper into my body. Thank You Again!!!

  21. AwakenedWoman
    AwakenedWoman says:

    Saida, your videos are so amazing. They help me to not just believe, but to know, that sexual health can be reclaimed! I definitely needed these exercises and your myth-busting wisdom! Thank you so much!

  22. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    These practices bring us back into our bodies and allows us to become fully aware of how beautiful our bodies and spirits are. I want to thank you for giving us these gifts, these simple practices that remind us and re-awaken us of how much pleasure is hiding beneath it all. I cannot wait to get your bundle and hopefully attend one of your seminars. You are an inspiration.

  23. Cheryl
    Cheryl says:

    Yay!!!!!! My egg just arrived , all the way here in New Zealand ….. It looks awfully small, lol!!! I can’t even begin to think how I’ll keep it in. ( did I just say that out loud );)

  24. Gabriel So
    Gabriel So says:

    Wow! Fantastic presentation with you Ultra Engaging Beautiful Voice! Although I’m a male, I’m certain about ALL ladies will enjoy engaging listening to all of these feminine wisdom that you’re sharing! Thank you for being such a great feminine soul, Saida~ Sending you love from New York =)

  25. Marie-Lo
    Marie-Lo says:

    I start feeling more alive by doing your exercises. This experience comes wright on time, after feeling unabled to enjoy myself and my body for a long long time :(. I feel supported very much to reconnect again, very wonderfull!! Thank you very much 🙂

  26. Shanna
    Shanna says:

    I was married for yrs and as I had a regular sex life I still felt dead inside. I am now going through a divorce this past yr and since I have been out of that marriage I have reconnected with myself and my body and I now have a partner that has also taught me to love my body. And for the first time in my life I feel in tuned with myself and with that comes a confidence that I never imagined! 🙂

  27. Sherrilyn
    Sherrilyn says:

    As Naomi suggested, I too have felt “dead” for a long time, but your words and the excercises you offer can help us come alive once more, and maybe for some for the first time. Thank you for your wisdome.

  28. Peony
    Peony says:

    Thankyou Saida, I am 53, and married a long time now. I needed this desperately. Now I feel more like the peony again, only now in full bloom with blushes of rose seeping back into my soft peachy petals…:) Love and peace to all – today is global ONENESS day – <3


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