Why Doctors & Research Say Jade Eggs Are Safe, Gwyneth Paltrow!
The word is out!
Jade Eggs are dangerous and can cause TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).
Basically, beware – using a jade egg could kill you!
Or at least that was the unsubstantiated allegations written by ONE gynecologist on her blog who writes, “Nothing here is…medical advice…or the practice of medicine.”
Dr. Jen Gunter made these outrageous statements with no research, evidence or first hand experience of the jade egg practice other than reading Gwyneth Paltrow’s blog last week.
Basically, it was her personal opinion founded in nothing but uneducated guesses.
But the way the global media carried it, you might have mistaken it for the gospel truth.
Isn’t proper journalism based on facts and not just sensationalism?
Well, obviously not.
The Danger Lies In False Allegations
Although I actually agree with many of Dr. Gunter’s points, attacking someone inappropriately and making false allegations isn’t professional behavior, and her condescending attitude clearly isn’t one of a woman who endorses women’s empowerment, despite her claims to do so.
False allegations are statements that are unproven and untrue in the spirit of deliberateness or deceit.
Dr. Gunter’s statement was unfounded since there is not one single case or study linking the use of Jade Eggs with TSS.
Jade eggs have been used in the United States for over 30 years by tens of thousands of women with no reported health issues.
But that doesn’t mean one couldn’t happen…so let’s dig deeper into the allegation that a Jade Egg could cause TSS with actual research and medical opinions.
How common is TSS – Toxic Shock Syndrome?
“TSS is rare, and more importantly, S. aureus has preferred conditions in which it is more likely to flourish, and this is with a synthetic, super absorbent tampon.” – Sharra L. Vostral, PhD, Published with the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, Dec/2011.
The research indicates that TSS appeared when tampons changed from cotton to synthetic fibers, providing the perfect atmosphere for the S. Aureus bacteria to grow.
This study shows us that even full cotton tampons have an exceptionally low risk of TSS, so how can the Jade Egg, unable to absorb a heavy menstrual flow and typically never worn during the menstrual cycle, be linked to this condition?
“In all of my years of practice, I have never seen any poor outcomes from women using a jade egg vaginally. Given the inert quality of the stone, I think that the risk of TSS or other infection is negligible.”– Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD, MHS
I agree that women who are just sold a Jade or Yoni egg without proper hygienic and technical instruction are not well-informed and could be doing more harm than good.
Here’s what a leading Ob-Gyn has to say about Jade Eggs and TSS:
“Toxic shock syndrome is very rare, usually seen in menstruating women using high absorbency tampons, with prolonged use. Although the jade is porous, it is not absorbent. The association of TSS with hyper-absorbable tampons is thought to be due to accumulation of blood in the polyester foam cubes and chips of carboxymethylcellulose; the increased vaginal pH in menstruation from 4.5 to 7.4; and the presence of both oxygen and carbon dioxide in the vagina during menstruation. These factors promote growth conditions for S aureus (the bacteria responsible) growth. Jade eggs are not worn during menstruation, and do not accumulate blood. They can be boiled regularly for hygiene. Based on these facts, the risk for TSS from proper jade egg use, i.e. The Desilets Method, is very low.” – Debra Wickman, MD, FACOG
Controversy Inspires Higher Standards
But there was a benefit to this whole episode because some of what Dr. Gunter pointed out is true.
Without proper guidance on hygiene and pelvic floor movements, the jade egg could be a dangerous practice.
Just like Yoga, without a properly trained teacher, a beautiful practice could cause harm.
And many many businesses have begun to sell jade eggs without proper safety standards in place.
If a jade egg is bleached, fake or manufactured improperly, it can become brittle and potentially dangerous.
My colleague, Layla Martin, shared that many crystals currently in use, such as rose quartz, that don’t have the internal toughness necessary for intimate use and contributed this piece of research:
Nephrite jade has an “extreme toughness” due to “microscopic features” in the “orientations of its crystallites, and the nature of its grain boundaries.” – M. Dorling and J. Zussman, published in the Department of Geology at the University of Manchester, 1985.
Many businesses sell jade eggs without holes to tie disposable string to remove the egg, and for some women with prolapse or specific vaginal orientations, this can make the egg extremely difficult to remove.
So, yes, it’s appropriate to react and be wary of the woo-woo “McEgg” BS.
And, it’s inappropriate to attack and shame a woman, especially in the name of women’s empowerment.
It’s called a “false allegation” to make a claim that is not substantiated.
Clearly, we need higher standards in non-medical options for promoting psycho-sexual health in women.
In my dissertation, Investigation of the Désilets Method and It’s Effect on the Psycho-Sexual Health of Women, there is a very specific methodology to using the Jade Egg if one is to have lasting, positive results.
Simply pushing a Jade Egg into the vagina or inappropriately hanging weights off of it (without personalized training from a qualified instructor), won’t create the desired effect of psycho-sexual well-being, and, may even lend to further deepening any neurosis, trauma or pelvic pain or dysfunction.
“As an expert in the field of women’s pelvic therapy, I understand the complexities of training, strengthening and creating health in the pelvis. The Jade Egg teachings of Dr. Saida Désilets are based on sound principles of anatomy, physiology and energy. She brings this mastery to her class and teachings. I have personal learned from Dr. Desilets and have incorporated her teachings into my patient’s exercise and pelvic health programs. Her jade egg teachings work where others have failed. Those who criticize should first learn from a true expert like Saida before formulating an opinion because not all jade teachings are created equal.”- Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS
What You Can Do Now
Jade Eggs, used hygienically and properly, have been shown to have incredible health results, both physiologically and psychologically.
This is a call to all women.
To take responsibility for your sexual sovereignty.
Do not believe everything you read on the internet; the best marketing isn’t always the best product.
Do not believe only in what your doctor says; they may be too busy to keep up with the latest studies.
Do your own research. Look into multiple sources and cross reference.
We’re talking about your body.
Your intimate self.
You deserve the truth and the best quality of education that not only tells you HOW to do it but also empowers you to define, for yourself, what it means to be sexually integrated and healthy.
No one has the right to tell you what that looks like, especially those in positions that benefit from your lack of confidence and knowledge.
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