Entries by Saida Desilets

4 Stages From Domesticated to Wild

You become blocked from your inherent genius when you are domesticated. But as the desire to go beyond the confines of your limited life urges you forward, you hesitate… You’ve been sold lies that it’s not safe to be wild. Are those lies true? You’ve been told it’s not okay to leave the land of […]

Vaginal Glue Stick?!

“Natural compound of amino acids and oil in a lipstick that is applied to the labia minora which causes them to cling together in a manner strong enough to retain menstrual fluid in the vestibule above the labia minora where the vaginal opening and urethra exit.”  “Think of it as potty training the period, cleaner, […]

Your Body, Your Sexuality, Your Choice

Women’s issues are on the forefront of change around the globe, which is very exciting! We are confronting establishments and ideals and taking a stand for our bodies. Yet on a micro-level, in my field of work around the psycho-sexual nature of women, there’s evidence the same revolution is needed. I’ve been witnessing doctors making uncontested, […]