Your Heart’s Yearning:

The Secret To Fulfilling The Longing In Your Heart.

Deep inside, you ache. Something is missing in your life and it hurts, yet you dare not utter its presence aloud.

You have moments of utter clarity of how your life could really be and just as quickly, you are filled with thoughts of impossibility and doom.

You have done everything you felt was “right” yet in quiet moments you cannot shake the feeling of deep dissatisfaction.

Laying awake at night, tossing and turning, you wonder why your life doesn’t feel complete even though you have made the best of it.

You are not crazy.

You are deeply alive.

And you are hearing one of the most important message of your life.

Your heart’s calling.

Our hearts yearning play a crucial role in the full realization of our own unique journey.

In this world where the illusions of happiness infuse our concrete, proof-seeking reality, there seems to be no room to acknowledge the tight ache that clutches at our heart.

Yet acknowledge it we must.

It hurts, yet this is not a random ache.

It is not silly and unworthy.

Quite contrary, this ache speaks to the whisper of our own soul-compass.

It is calling to us to pay attention through creating persistent, uncomfortable squeezes which are impossible to ignore.

3 Steps To Actualizing Our Yearning

Let’s for a moment put aside what we believe is right or wrong or even within our own realm of possibility and just feel our heart’s yearning fully.

Breathe into the ache.

What lives there?

What vision, taste, sensation lives there?

Can you hold it for a moment and simply acknowledge its raw beauty without poo-pooing it?

Can you let the ocean of emotion wash through you as you do?

This is the first step to actualizing this yearning.

It’s important to note that this isn’t a fleeting yearning, something inspired by mass media hypnosis, but rather it exists for itself, separate of our current reality.

It is the part of us that knows what we deserve to experience for the pure sake of being thoroughly human on a glorious journey of becoming who we already are.

The next step is to sit with the yearning.

Sit with it, give it your breath and hold it as precious and true.

See it clearly in your heart as fully existing.

Keep going, until you literally experience your yearning as fully realized.

This can take time, but its worth it.

Once you arrive at the moment where your yearning is realized, you will taste it as though it is real.

This is the magic moment we’ve all been waiting for: the moment of fulfillment.

Fulfillment isn’t external, it happens within the fires of our hearts.

The last step is to recognize that once we feel it has fully actualized itself in every fiber of our being, is to realize that you no longer need it to show up externally.

You are fulfilled. Complete.

And if it does show up in your life, you will recognize it, welcome it, and throw a party!

Living a worthy life begins by recognizing our habituated or pre-conditioned response of “believing” that we risk annihilation if we were to consider our hearts yearning and then saying yes to it anyways.

To cultivate the beauty of your heart’s yearning, I recommend starting with my book. Please like this article, share it, join the Succulence Revolution (sign up on page), & leave your thoughts on how you listen to your own heart’s calling below in the comment section.

Are You Magnetically Attractive?

5 Ways To Be Irresistibly Desirable (& It’s Not What You Think…)

You dress to kill, hair perfect, outfit hip & hot, yet as you step out into the world, you notice that you go unnoticed.

You’ve heard all the savvy tips on how to attract your mate and diligently practice them only to find that even if you do get a date, they don’t call you back for a second one.

You observe a ‘plain looking’ woman surrounded by attentive men and wonder what the heck they see in her and why they are not bothering to give you any attention.

Secretly you would love to have more attention from your partner, never mind other people, but you can’t stand the idea of having to wear ‘sexy’ clothes’ or behave in ways that feel ‘degrading’ in order to elicit desire.

Deep inside, you want to be the one who turns heads, who clearly has enough interest from others that you are the one who picks and chooses, not the other way around.

Being magnetic is natural, yet something that begs to be claimed.

One of the most primal impulses that we have as human beings is the desire to connect with another human being.

This isn’t just a silly teenage behavior or a revelation of a lonely adult, it is a real and powerful mechanism of being a mammal.

And one of the most powerful impulses of mammals is to mate.

It is an instinctual response to nature itself.

Yet we humans (and our cousins the bonobos) understand that there is also something more to coming together than the impulse to propagate the species.

Interesting studies have revealed that all mammals (yes, you included) have what is called an open-circuit nervous system.

This means that we are not islands, but inter-dependent: We are completed by the presence of another mammal, especially one that had bonded with us.

In fact, we are not able to function properly when we are isolated.

So then it makes sense, if connection is so intrinsic to our survival, that we would develop the ability to attract another person.

Only now, attraction has been made into a commodity.

It is what you wear, or how you do your make-up, or what hair-style you have, or what behaviors make you ‘part of the tribe’ that determines your level of attractiveness.

Yet it doesn’t work.

It is false attraction.

What we are doing is projecting the image of what we think is attractive versus actually being attractive!

Remember the scenario above where the ‘plain woman’ is surrounded by men who barely notice your presence?

You wondered what she had that you didn’t as you deemed yourself clearly more attractive than she was?

What she has is MAGNETIC attractiveness.

The kind of attractiveness that isn’t a result of behaviors, postures, or hip outfits.

The kind of attractiveness that is embodied.

It is confident, relaxed, and extremely irresistible.

Whereas false attraction draws to itself unwanted attention and undesirable people, magnetism pulls in what is its match through its powerful magnetic field.

Being and feeling attractive are not a postured behavior, it is a reflection of how we relate to ourselves.

How do we go about generating and maintaining magnetism?

1. Recognize that it is something you are naturally born with, all mammals have the ability to attract.

2. Let go of false ideas about attraction and turn your attention towards what really matters: the quality of who you are.

3. Begin to have a deeper relationship with your own magnetic current. Your current is your aliveness. It is the vibrant pulse that animates every cell in your being, shaped by the condition of your psyche. Therefore, examining your beliefs & definitions is essential to letting go of your false attractiveness & igniting your true magnetic capacity.

4. Explore if there is any part of you that is polarized: on one hand you desire to be irresistibly desirable and on the other, you fear what will happen if you do attract attention.

5. Discover and cultivate more of what ignites you.

No one is attracted to a person who is self-loathing, postured (or false), and needy, yet a turned-on, vibrant, self-adoring and fulfilled woman is hard to ignore.

Magnetism is fascinating.

It adds color to our world and invites us to truly live from the truth that we do not have to DO anything to attract anyone.

When we live a magnetic life, we relax and trust our natural ability to bring into our life everything we desire.

By being relaxed and fulfilled, we become a fascinating mystery, because so few of us actually live like this.

It is the type of attractiveness has longevity.

We do not want to be like a cheap toy, bright & alluring initially, but unable to sustain interest for very long.

We are magnetic and remarkably fascinating creatures who deserve to play in the abundance of beautiful company that reflects back to us the deep worth we hold for ourselves.

To learn more about what it takes to live a magnetic life, I recommend starting with my book. Be sure to like this article, share it, join the Succulence Revolution (sign up on page), & leave your thoughts below in the comment section.