Are You Challenged By Being A Succulent Woman In Today’s Barren World?

You’ve made the choice to make pleasure important, yet everywhere you turn, you feel criticized, or worse, shunned for your new found sensual playfulness.

As you explore what it means to express your sensual self more fully, you keep wondering if its actually safe and appropriate to do so.

Since choosing to embrace more of your femininity, you find yourself wondering how to make that work in harmony with being independent, self-sufficient and successful in the world.

You are painfully aware that the more powerful your embodiment of your succulent self is, the more your partner shuts down and shies away.

This tension is natural and an essential part of our blossoming as women. It is the tension created when our old paradigms begin to die in the face of new, emerging possibilities.

Embarking on the journey of being a Succulent Woman is a potent choice that will invite everything that is not congruent with this new choice to emerge.

This is why this choice isn’t frivolous or for the feint of heart, but one that requires us to tap into our courage and dedication to living a fulfilling life.

What does it means to be a Succulent Woman?

Being Succulent isn’t just being sexually open and turned-on, although that does play a part in awakening our own beauty and radiance.

Being Succulent involves saying a full yes to our inherent Erotic Genius™ ​,​ our vulnerable & authentic heart, and our inborn wildness.

It’s our journey back to ourselves.

And back to our elegant dance with life itself.

It is a development and refinement of our sensual/sexual Mastery along with enjoying the maturation journey of open-hearted living.

How this unfolds for each of us is unique, yet asks of us the same commitment: Loving ourselves back into wholeness with delight, grace, and resiliency.

The Challenges Of Succulence

We live in a time where heart-breaking atrocities reside side by side with the unveiling of our most beautiful gifts.

It’s the paradox that can slow us down or even stop us in our tracks.

How dare we have pleasure when there is so much suffering? How dare we not?

Succulence isn’t here to be misused, abused, or sold as a commodity. It is here to rekindle within us the very essence of what it means to be fully alive.

Our succulence can threaten societies who benefit from stripping away the beauty and juiciness out of every living thing, which is why Succulent Living is more essential than ever: We must reclaim what is innately ours.

The Don’ts of Succulence

Succulent women don’t create hierarchy in their body, they understand that every fiber of their existence is precious and vibrantly alive.

We don’t abuse our magnetism in order to manipulate people or situations as we understand that there is a gracious and elegant way of having our needs met in the World.

Furthermore, we don’t abandon ourselves in exchange for external ideals, and if we do, we are quick to return to our own sovereignty.

The Do’s of Succulence

Succulent women live from the inside out, looking inwardly for guidance, inspiration, and turn-on and willingly sharing this radiance outwardly.

We fill ourselves so that what we offer others comes from a place of substance and abundance, rather than depletion and scarcity.

We never betray ourselves for the sake of love, sexuality, safety or belonging as we understand that living a self-betrayed life is like drinking from a poisoned well.

As Succulent women, we take delight in what emerges moment to moment. This capacity not only makes us far more present to what is real, but also makes us powerful change-makers in the World.

That is gorgeous about being a Succulent Woman is for every life-giving choice we make, we then can more generously offer the World the gifts of our innate genius.

If living as a Succulent Woman is something you would like to make into reality, I recommend starting with my book: Emergence of the Sensual Woman.

If you enjoyed this article, please like, share it & leave me your thoughts below in the comment section.


Delicious Tip: Profound Self-Intimacy

Cultivating our self-intimacy is essential for living a succulent life and for ensuring a life-time of expressed pleasure.

Thankfully, recalibrating our erotic nature can happen through simple, conscious acts that are as ingrained and natural as breathing.

What are they? Here’s a hint: Have you ever noticed how children sleep, sometimes holding their sweet little bodies?

This month’s delicious tip reveals a simple practice that is natural for all of us to do, in fact, some of us may be doing it without even understanding the alchemical magic of it!

If you ever yearn for deeper intimacy in your life, this one tip is crucial to help you nurture intimacy, whether or not you have a partner.

In fact, I feel strongly that this little practice is at the very foundation of reconnection our emotional self with our instinctual/erotic self.

If you enjoyed this video, be sure to like it, share it and to leave me a little note below about how this practice effects you.
