Your Client’s #MeToo Story – Are You Prepared?
With the rise and empowerment of women’s voices comes a shadow: the emergence of pain, anger, fear, confusion and numbness.
Our clients trust us. Implicitly. Therefore it’s natural that we may be the first place where their voice comes forward. How prepared are we for this vulnerable and edgy conversation?
As a professional who is dedicated to the full transformation of our clients, we are in an incredible position to assist women through this powerful time, yet few feel equipped and/or comfortable at having these important, yet intensely edgy conversations.
How we handle these stories will keep a woman in her trauma cycle or will create a pattern interruption that will support her to find her own way through her reclamation journey.
No Psycho-Sexual Training
Although many are not qualified to take a woman on this reclamation journey, we can still be their first responders. How we handle those first few moments are crucial to the success of this reclamation journey; so we want to keep in mind that at the heart of this issue is trust: broken trust, that is.
When trauma of this nature has occurred, a woman no longer trusts her own relationship with
her body, never mind other people. This is why it’s so crucial she begins with her own body.
Few have methodologies that assist this specifically, however, we can gently inspire a woman to contemplate this idea: her fastest path to wholeness is through returning to herself and her body.
That said, there are a few things we are all capable of offering. Here are three simple, yet potent concepts can we take to impeccably show up for our clients without contributing to the trauma:
1. We transform through who we are, not what we say. This first concept is about doing our own inner work around our pain, grief, anger and confusion. Who we are impacts more than anything we could ever say, this is why our ‘felt-state’, who we are deep inside, has such profound impact on our clients.
The more we can allow ourselves to feel these states and choose to love ourselves no matter how ugly these states may be, the more powerful we demonstrate this possibility through our presence (this happens through a powerful process known as limbic re-imprinting).
2. We are powerful, they are powerful. The second concept is more of a definition that we take on as truth. In situations where there’s been victimization, it’s easy to collude with the pain and forget that there’s a powerful person going through a painful experience.
By taking on that you are powerful, and therefore, your clients are powerful, allows them to get a feel for this, perhaps even for the first time. They literally get a sense that ‘they have this’, even if it will be a challenging time – they have what it takes to experience full reclamation.
3. Our greatest wound is our greatest source of power. This third concept is a recognition, a deeper inner knowing. If, as a person, you have not yet come to this realization, it is a worthy contemplation. When this becomes TRUE for you, you’ll be able to hold this as an honest possibility for your clients. This is one of the most powerful ideas in shifting from trauma to thriving.
To be prepared, to be willing to go where few have gone, is the reason our clients trust us and open up to us. Although these conversations can be scary, we can relax in knowing that we’re listening with the knowledge that she’s powerful, that healing is possible, and that sometimes just having someone listen without trying to rescue or fix can be just as powerful, if not more so, than any fancy technique.
To learn more about how to support your clients through these conversations, join my FREE TRAINING for Women Professionals… 3 Life-Transforming Ways To Support Your Clients Post #MeToo
The Phenomenon Of The Jade Egg – Part 2
A Tiny Tool Of Transformation – Part 2
“I’m addicted to food, I have been most of my life, and I want to share that after using the Jade Egg, I no longer have an addictive relationship with food.”
“I’m 73 years old and I’ve lived without much libido, however, since introducing the Jade Egg into my life, I appreciate the necessity of living a turned-on life.”
“I’m a compulsive buyer, but when I wear my Jade Egg shopping, I notice that I don’t buy as much or anything at all.”
“When I fight with my partner about money, my Jade Egg immediately falls out. I’ve learned where in my life I give away my power.”
“Using the Jade Egg helped me clear decades of suppressed sexual trauma, I never knew I could feel this safe and sexually alive.”
This is only a small sample of the profound feedback I receive from women, revealing that there’s much more to the Jade Egg practice than pelvic tone and delicious orgasms.
Psycho-Sexual Beings
We are fundamentally psycho-sexual beings—our psyche/mind/emotions is deeply intertwined with our sexuality—one cannot exist without the other, no matter how much we may try and keep them separate from one another.
Our sexuality is more than the act of ‘doing’ something about it, it’s essentially a deep part of ‘who’ we are—To be fully expressed in our own sensual/sexual nature, we must equally have access to and be expressed in our emotional nature and vice-versa.
Consider this an inborn relationship between our earthly body and our sweet, mammalian inheritance, one that has the potential to birth our own unique genius into the world.
The 3 Unspoken Gifts Of Using A Jade Egg
We predominantly focus on the functional aspect of sexuality, looking at how ‘this or that’ technique can create ‘such & such’ results.
Yet the real gifts of using the Jade Egg silently await our notice, reflecting the ‘deeper meaning’ of our sexuality:
1. Reconnection to self
2. Healing of the psycho-sexual
3. Emotional & sexual evolution
Reconnection To Self
My personal practice, academic research, and teaching tens of thousands of women world-wide, has shown me the inseparable nature of our sensual/sexual self with our deep hearts and intelligent minds.
Time and time again, I’ve witnessed how soft, alive, and glowing a woman becomes when she comes home to herself along with how much more effective and creative she is in the World.
Our womb is our inner sanctum, a place to access our wisdom, our power, our inborn genius.
We all come from this magical, profound place, yet we rarely treat her with the respect she deserves.
In fact, most of us use our wombs as psychic garbage cans, stuffing her with the emotions that we’re unwilling to feel or face.
It’s for this reason that it’s crucial to enter the Jade Egg practice with reverence, knowing that we are fundamentally engaging in both re-patterning our personal relationship with our sexual core and re-patterning the actual cellular memory of this area of our body.
This re-patterning cannot happen purely through talk therapy or visualizations, we must be willing to touch our beautiful body with love and openness.
It is through this quiet act of reconnection with our own inner guidance that we suddenly feel the love and acceptance we’ve always sought for externally and recognize that we belong to ourselves.
Through this shift in perception, we become part of a world-wide sisterhood that communicates not through words, but though the silent, pulsing aliveness that is transmitted & received by all wombs.
This is no small feat and it is the seed of birthing our greatness into the World.
Healing The Psycho-Sexual Self
Because sexual healing or the need for it is so prevalent in our modern world, it is clear that for most of us, it is a part of becoming an initiated woman.
Using the Jade Egg has profound impact on healing, both physically and psychologically, but it is not the actual Jade Egg that is doing the healing.
It is the symbolism that we assign to the Jade Egg (along with our conscious practice) that acts as an anchor for our choice to reconnect with ourselves, to honor ourselves, and to celebrate ourselves as sensual/sexual being.
Therefore, every time we think of the Jade Egg or consciously use it, we are activating this choice and giving ourselves the opportunity to unveil the true intelligence of our Erotic Genius™.
Our traumas hold within them a doorway into our most potent gifts. When we love ourselves back into wholeness and allow the slowest part of us to set the pace of our lives, true healing unfolds naturally.
I’ve witnessed women transform themselves over and over again through taking the time to engage in this conscious practice of activating their sensual/sexual self while softening open their heart and mind.
Emotional Sexual Evolution
Evolution is now in our hands, we cannot afford to wait another 100,000 years for humans to understand their intimate relationship with life, hence the necessity for the third hidden gift of using the Jade Egg: An acceleration of our maturity process.
We all are where we are meant to be on our journey of life, and as each of us wakes up to our own genius, we naturally become curious about harnessing this inborn resource.
The practice of the Jade Egg can be empty, deceptive, and lead to nowhere when it’s done purely as a physical practice and/or one that is meant to “awaken you spiritually” as an end result.
The key to using the Jade Egg for evolutionary acceleration is to come to it understanding that we are the ones creating the change within us. A change the demands our immediate attention, our willingness to die to how we believe things should be, as well as our willingness to reveal the depth of our own magnificence.
Our journey is not meant to be depicted by others, it is meant to be informed by the living, breathing Erotic Genius™ we all innately possess.
It is through the conscious and correct use of the Jade Egg that we are able to benefit not only physically with more radiant sexual health and pleasure, but equally psychologically with renewed emotional resilience and transparency , all of which are key to offering our genius to the World.
If you’d love to deepen your journey through the Art of Succulent Living and using a Jade Egg, I recommend starting with my book: Emergence of the Sensual Woman.
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