
Delicious Tip: The Secret of Smiling

For some of us, June is the month to celebrate our Father and fatherhood in general.


Just as last month we looked at our relationship with our mother, this month is all about the imprint we received from the masculine from our father or a father-figure in our life.

One thing I’ve learned from my father, aside from having awesome boundaries and inspired- action, is the ability to enjoy other people.

For this month’s delicious tip, I want to explore how the simple act of smiling can not only transform our own bio-chemistry (for the better), but also transform our experience of the World.

In fact, I challenge you to become a smile-collector! (It’s part of the Art of Conscious Flirting!)

If you enjoyed this video, please like it, share it, and in the comment section below, let me know how many smiles you are collecting!


Delicious Tip: Reclaiming Your Space

May is the month to celebrate our Mother and motherhood in general.


Our relationship with our mother is profound, and as you know, deeply impactful on how you live your life as a woman and how you interact with women in general.

If you find that you have a less than amazing past, perhaps it is now the time to recognize that you are not living there and that it’s time to glean wisdom from it and move on.

This month’s delicious tip looks at how overly focusing on our past can prevent us from really enjoying the beauty of what is happening now. It also encourages you, through a simple invitation, to use your sensuality to receive the gift of this moment.

This video is all about reclaiming your space so you can feel more free, more alive, more YOU!

If this video was helpful, please like it, share it and leave me your thoughts in the comment section about what you are willing to let go of in order to take advantage of being fully alive right now.

Delicious Tip: Awakening Your Secret Gateway

Being the avid Jade Egg user that I am, I always have a giggle around Easter when the topic of ‘Easter Egg Hunting’ comes about… throws a whole new meaning to the event!

And as a passionate Jade Egg user, I am fascinated with all of the incredible ways in which it supports us to entrain our mind-body connection.

In this month’s delicious tip, I introduce to you a very precious and important part of your Feminine anatomy: your temple gates and why we need awaken them!

Even if you have never used a Jade Egg, this information can transform your pleasure in ways that you may have not yet dreamed of:

In the comments section below, I’d love to hear from you. What are your concerns or ah-ha’s about awakening your gateway?

If you got something delightful from this video, please like it and share it!


Delicious Tip: Discover Your Non-Negotiables

Do you have non-negotiables?

Or do you constantly bargain away what is most valuable to your core in exchange for love and/or sex?

In this short Video, we will look at what our non-negotiables are and why they are essential to creating and maintaining healthy, thriving, delicious relationships!

If you enjoyed this video and have insights into your own non-negotiables, please be sure to leave me your comments below so we can continue delving deeper into this discussion.

Remember to like and share this video if you found it helpful!