Jumping Into The Mystery Of Your Pleasure

Do you ever feel like you need to take a leap of faith, but you’re afraid to?

Maybe you would love to experience something new or different, but it feels intimidating?

Or perhaps you haven’t yet considered what you’d truly love in a sensual/sexual experience?

Taking a ‘leap of faith’ is especially poignant in our erotic life.

It takes both creativity and courage to discover and play in the mystery of our own pleasure.

This month, I not only jump off a cliff in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa, but I look at 3 important tips that can help you transform the fear of the unknown into the exhilaration of being part of the beautiful mystery of life.


What is it that you are called to explore more?

Are you willing to take a leap of faith and jump into the unknown of exploring your edges?

Did you take a ‘leap of faith’? What happened? Leave me a comment below so we can exploring these edges together.

Healthy Relationships With Men

Hi Gorgeous!

Happy Father’s Day & Happy Solstice!!

It’s a day to celebrate the Solar light and the men in our lives.

Our father & grandfather’s were the one’s who first taught us how to relate with the masculine.

Just like our Mother who, without words, showed us what it meant to be a woman in the World, our Father or a man who was our caregiver, also silently and potently impressed upon us what the masculine is all about.

Was he around? Was he abusive? Or apathetic? Or healthy and willing to show you the ways of the world?

Whatever that relationship is/was, it’s important right now to look at how you relate with men in your life and if you are happy with how things are.

Last month I talked about over-mothering as a sign of lack of receiving and in this month’s video, we look at how our lack of receiving can also emasculate and anger the men in our lives.

Is this true for you? Why or why not?

Leave me your comments below so we can learn and grow through consciously sharing  with one another.


Your Yoni Never Lies – Your Genitals Shamelessly Reveal The Truth

Have you ever had a bladder or yeast infection?

Or sporadic vaginal or pelvic pain?

Or dryness that appears only with your partner, but not when you’re alone?

Maybe you’ve felt ‘dead inside’ for years and then suddenly you find yourself pulsing with desire?

These are not random events, these are clear messages from our inborn erotic intelligence.

It is a way in which our inner knowing is translated into an external, verifiable proof that something is either “off or on” about our life choices.

In fact, these messages are so accurate, so shameless in their truth that after two decades of study, practice, teaching and research, one of the core themes that keeps emerging and one that I always emphasize, is that: Your yoni* never, EVER lies.

This may seem odd at first, so allow me to share with you what I believe to be a fundamental truth of our erotic wisdom.

We all possess an erotic intelligence—a capacity to discern what does and doesn’t enliven us to our core.

I’m not just talking about sex.

I’m talking about all of you and sex is only one part of that equation.

We are psycho-sexual beings, whether or not we believe in this or even understand it.

This means that your psyche is intimately and innately interwoven with your sexuality.

They are, in fact, inseparable. Yet we spend most of our life believing, or at least behaving, like they are separate.

Just as breathing is not isolated to only our lungs, but is essential for the life of the cells in our entire body, our sexuality and psyche do not exist in isolation, but deeply inform the aliveness of who we are as a human being.

This is worthy of celebration as it means that how we feel and perceive isn’t separate from our aliveness.

It means that everything we experience, acknowledge or ignore touches the very essence of our being.

And when I say “Your Yoni Never Lies” I mean that the state of our genitals reflects the state of our psyche.

Imagine that it’s like having a fail-proof compass that guides us through life.

The only problem with this compass is that we tend to either ignore the messages or we want to eradicate them with the latest and greatest pills, creams, and procedures.

We’d rather pay for a quick fix than stop long enough to genuinely listen to what our body is screaming at us.

Yet why not stop? Even for but a moment, to truly listen?

It is in that moment that we’ll access tremendous wisdom and solutions that may normally have eluded us when we were pretending that there’s no connection between our feelings, choices and our body’s health.

I’d like to invite you, for the next 21 days, to imagine that what I say could be true, imagine that you do indeed have a compass within, one that never lies.

Each day, take a moment to place a hand on your heart and one on your genitals and just breathe, relaxing deeply into both of these places.

When you feel your awareness is centered into yourself, ask your yoni, “What would you love me to know?”.

Listen and take action, even if it moves you toward a difficult choice.

If you have an imbalance, you can also ask, “What is needed so that I can return to balance?”

If you have never spoken to your body, let alone listened to her, this can seem odd, boring, or just plain woo-woo.

But try it anyway.

I’ve personally practiced and shared this tiny piece of wisdom for a long time and it never grows old.

In fact, women keep reporting back to me that new layers of wisdom unveil themselves the more they contemplate this idea.

To support yourself in connecting with this wise, inner compass, write down “My Yoni Never Lies” on a sticky note and place it where you can easily see it or perhaps put it in your daily reminders and see what happens as you consider this as a possibility for yourself.

Discovering that our yoni has a voice and learning to listen to and trust this internal guidance always results in more self-love.

And more self-love always moves us towards more joy, pleasure, and the realization of our gifts in this World.

To make this real, I invite you to leave a comment below about how you feel about having this incredible ‘internal compass’. As a bonus, you may delight in sharing a message that you feel you clearly have heard and listened to as well.

If you’d love to more fully understand your yoni’s messages, I’d recommend reading my book, The Emergence of the Sensual Woman as a great place to start.

*(Yoni = female genitals).

© 2015 – Saida Désilets


Over-Mothering – A Sign Of Lack Of Receiving?


Our mother is our first profound relationship—whether or not we liked how it turned out.

Our Mother, without words, showed us what it meant to be a woman in the World.

If you are a mother, you are currently doing the same with your children…

Being a mother is a very profound and powerful influence in how we create our culture as human beings… never doubt that!

In this month’s Delicious Tip, you get to meet my amazing mother (while she’s gardening) as we explore different questions around mothering.

Do you over-mother? Hint: We do this to cover up the vulnerability of letting go and deeply receiving.

Please leave me your comments below the video, especially about the results of the challenges I offer you to take on this month.

Celebrating all Mother’s around the world,







Are You Sensually Inspiring?


Can you feel the deliciousness of spring seeping into your bones?

I love this time of the year when it feels like our own erotic sap is rising to meet that of the Earth’s.

There is nothing more alive, more sensual, than the Earth waking up in the Spring.

Speaking of sensual, are you sensually inspiring? If yes, how?

In this month’s Delicious Tip we explore how what we personally would love to receive (our desires) is often what is the easiest to give out…

Refining how we play with our sensually requires that we take risks, even the smallest of one!

I’d love to know what happens when you ignite people in your life, so please leave me your comments below and we can continue to explore what happens when we share our aliveness.



Jade Egg Mastery – It’s Not Just About How Much Weight You Can Lift

Are you curious about the Jade Egg practice?

Have you wondered what it’s all about or how to actually, step-by-step learn how to masterfully use a Jade Egg?

Maybe you’ve heard that the Jade Egg can transform all of your emotional wounds and sexual inhibitions, leaving you with lasting sexual confidence?

Or perhaps you’ve been seduced into believing that having a ‘super-pussy’ through lifting weights with your vagina will ensure better orgasms and keep your lover loyal?

Or believe that through the power of your vagina alone you’ll able to control your man’s ejaculation?

If any of these apply to you, then you are part of the emerging mass interest in the Jade Egg practice.

This means you’ve also been absorbing the wide-spread, inappropriate instruction about the jade Egg along with many other false promises and potentially harmful practices.

But don’t worry, this isn’t your fault.

In fact, it’s rather a common phenomena when a deep ancient practice is introduced to our give-me-a-quick-solution modern society: there will always be a loss of integrity and depth.

Over the past 20 years of personal and professional practice, I’ve experienced a profound evolution in my own understanding of the Jade Egg practice and it’s impact on women.

In fact, not only did I learn what worked and didn’t work through receiving direct feedback of from tens of thousands of women world-wide, but I also did a pilot study examining and measuring the effects of the Jade Egg practice on the psycho-sexual health of women for my PhD dissertation.

The results of my study in combination with considering the latest, cutting-edge scientific research on sexuality resulted in a major overhaul of the original teachings so that they could better suit the true needs of modern women and lead to lasting, life-long results.

A key insight that emerged, one that lies at the foundation of my method, is that we are psycho-sexual beings and deserve to ignite the totality of our sensual/sexual nature, not just be obsessed with ‘vagina power’ alone.

We are not just our genitals, our sexuality and sensuality includes the totality of who we are.

Your sexuality and sensuality not a currency or commodity meant to be used in exchange of whatever it is you desire more of in your life.

It is your birthright. A natural, powerful, life-giving part of who you innately are as woman.

To attempt to squeeze the vastness of your femininity into the tiny box of ‘goal-oriented’ techniques and ideals is to impoverish your experience of your own pleasure.

To limit your sexuality to how much weight you can lift with your vagina or how many vaginal tricks you can do is like saying that to drive a car all you need to do is push or turn all the buttons and dials on your dashboard.

It’s sensationalist and immature.

The good news is, more and more of women are waking up and coming back home to themselves, discerning the gold from the hype, and claiming for themselves the living wisdom of their beautiful body.

If you’d love to learn more about how to master the Jade Egg practice, ignite your own unique erotic intelligence and to cultivate wholeness and profound sexual vitality and pleasure, you may want to check out my current invitation to do a LIVE intensive with me: CLICK TO DISCOVER MORE ABOUT JADE EGG MASTERY