Low-Grade Pelvic Tension – How Domestication Impacts Pleasure

Do you suffer from low-grade pelvic tension?

Do you know what that is?

Maybe you’re more concerned with the ‘tone’ of your pelvis than it’s ability to melt open?

Perhaps you are gung-ho on your Kegels, possibly contributing to disrupting your sensitivity?

Low-grade pelvic tension affects all women, no matter the age, life-style or background.

None of us are exempt from it… but we individually can choose to counter-act it’s detrimental effects.

Find out how in this month’s Delicious Tip video:


Let me know, in the comments below, if you were able to identify your own low-grade pelvic tension and if you were able to relax your pelvis more fully than ever.

If you are interested in re-patterning your response to life and the cellular memory held in your genitals, then you may enjoy reading my book The Emergence of the Sensual Woman and exploring the Jade Egg Practice.



6 replies
  1. Ines Kahlo
    Ines Kahlo says:

    Hi Saida,

    So, I have low (actually I’d call it medium lmao) grade pelvic tension/vaginismus in the PC muscle and I’m trying to get rid of it by wearing the yoni egg overnight and trying to get it to finally just fall out of my yoni on its own, but I have insertion problems. “Sipping” it in is not a part of my yoni’s vocabulary.

    I would really love to connect to all of the muscles of my yoni, but the only one I feel is the PC muscle. There is no sensation whatsoever in my yoni beyond the opening (I have literally once pinched a piece of my vaginal wall between my menstrual cup and my long finger nail HARD without even noticing) and when I insert a finger, the only muscle I can contract around it is the PC.

    I know there are muscles in every yoni between the PC muscle and the cervix, but I simply don’t have access to those muscles at all.

    What would you advise? I’m really lost and hopeless here.

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Oh sweetheart! Please… it’s not hopeless, it’s an INVITATION 🙂 If you’ve never had awareness, it can take time to develop this awareness, but it’s SOOOO worth it. Have you tried JUST using your finger?

  2. Anja Thorrez
    Anja Thorrez says:

    Hi Saida, I was not conciously aware of the pelvic tension I have. To relax more I used my breath which helped a lot. In the relaxation I felt a deep pain, even the muscles around my mouth were reacting and I could feel some kind of pressure on my teeth. Very interesting (especially noticing when the tension gets stronger) and something to work on. Thank you for the tip.

  3. Luka
    Luka says:

    Hi Saida!

    I would love to know if wearing the Jade Egg for extended periods of time can contribute to this low grade pelvic tension

    • Saida Desilets
      Saida Desilets says:

      Yes, it could Luka! If you wear it and ‘grip’ the Jade Egg. When properly trained, however, you’re erectile tissue will be enhanced and will ‘hold’ the Jade Egg in without you having to ‘grip’ or ‘squeeze’.


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