Do You Control & Divert Your Turn-On?
/30 Comments/in Articles /by Saida DesiletsDo you believe you need to do something about your turn-on? Whether it’s taking “sexual action” or “shutting down”? What happens when you ache with desire? Guilt? Discomfort? Delight? Nothing? How we relate to our turn-on reveals how deeply enmeshed we are with our ‘domestication’ as women. Let me share a recent, intriguing experience I had […]
Low-Grade Pelvic Tension – How Domestication Impacts Pleasure
/6 Comments/in Articles, Delicious Tips /by Saida DesiletsDo you suffer from low-grade pelvic tension? Do you know what that is? Maybe you’re more concerned with the ‘tone’ of your pelvis than it’s ability to melt open? Perhaps you are gung-ho on your Kegels, possibly contributing to disrupting your sensitivity? Low-grade pelvic tension affects all women, no matter the age, life-style or background. None […]
Why Impeccability Is The New Sexy
/13 Comments/in Articles /by Saida DesiletsThe Toltecs have a beautiful definition for impeccability: To be impeccable means to not use words against yourself (self-criticism/self-shaming) or others (criticism/shaming). Let’s add to that definition our ability to reside, fully, in our own sexual sovereignty. From this perspective, impeccability creates a clear presence, one that is not weighed down by the burden of maintaining […]
Instinctual Wisdom
/27 Comments/in Articles, Delicious Tips /by Saida DesiletsHow aware are you of your arousal cues? Do you know what this means? Do you know the difference between “feeling safe” and “being safe”? How connected are you with your own instinctual wisdom? In this month’s delicious tip, I invite you to explore your own natural wildness and how domestication has impacted your life. […]
Addyi – Female Viagra
/2 Comments/in Articles, Delicious Tips /by Saida DesiletsFinally! The miracle PINK PILL is here… All your desire problems will disappear and you will once and for all be a turned-on, fantasy-inspired, sexually open woman… Right? Wrong. Find out why this Addyi pill (Female Viagra) is not only harmful to your body, but an insult to your innate erotic intelligence. It’s existence marks […]
Erotic Edges
/9 Comments/in Articles, Delicious Tips /by Saida DesiletsHave you ever desired something that simultaneously turned you on AND scared you? Are you skilled at intimacy & enjoy feeling ‘safe’ in your relationships, yet hesitate when it comes to exploring the mystery of the unknown? You may be stifling your own Eros through avoiding exploring the space where your comfort zone meets your discomfort. […]

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Oooh! Amy!!! I love your share soooo much! The intention...January 16, 2024 - 1:30 am by Saida Desilets
Just curious… will this not almost always lead to us fantasizing...January 15, 2024 - 2:16 pm by Amy
Hi Brandie, Thank you for taking the time to write to me....April 1, 2023 - 2:46 am by Saida Desilets
I SO appreciated this article and the middle ground you...March 25, 2023 - 1:54 pm by Brandie
Hi Karen, I love your honest share. I like to consider that...March 1, 2023 - 5:56 am by Saida Desilets
I am in my 70's now and feel as though my sexuality has...February 28, 2023 - 9:03 am by karen
What's beautiful about your share, Kate, is that you are...January 24, 2023 - 11:51 pm by Saida Desilets
My husband has been in an affair for a year and a half....January 23, 2023 - 5:56 am by Kate